Mouse Grip Tense
What I mean by the title, is whilst aiming, do you tense your hand/wrist slightly while aiming or do you relax fully. I've realized I'm the former and I'm not sure If this is a problem / nitpick.
4 Replies
DPI: 800, Sensitivity: 0.314
Its not a problem imo
It also just depends on the situation, if im calm and playing some unrated I usually dont tense up
thats because im really not trying to aim that well
but in a comp situation, especially while clutching I am holding my mouse quite tightly
not too tight to limit movement
but tight enough to be able to lock onto a player and secure the kill
Interesting.. It might be reflex then I'm thinking from flicking and trying to restrict unwanted movement such as shaking. Alright, I won't worry about it then, thanks!
i do grip my mouse a lil tight, prevents shaking or over-flicking