
Getting matched with Silvers and Golds even though I'm Bronze. Any idea why?

I never reached Silver and I bot frag a lot, yet I'm regularly matched with Silvers and Golds. Any idea why and how I can be matched up with people of my calibre?
3 Replies
lune3y ago
probably because you play better than the average bronze person / play on silver/gold level
wyvern3y ago
when you did your placements the game thought you were silver but to make sure they were right they placed you bronze but kept your mmr in silver so you would rank up faster or your mmr would even to bronze if they were wrong tl:dr play more
nii3y ago
PLAY BAD like real bad drop a single kill digit you're good just keep playing, plus if you frag in silver/gold lobby you'll get around 30+ rr

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