Fibonacci in recursive ?
So I have made 2 versions of Fibonacci calculator, one is in normal way and one is in recursive
When i run both the same time, the recursive version is incorrect. I tried to check for a correct version ones on the internet but strangely all the answer is quite the same as mine. I'm very weak at recursive and I absolutely have no idea what wrong with, so I'd be very grateful if any expert can point out the problem.

59 Replies
try returning
or b
in the normal version?not really need to return them, i can check them in debug mode

there you go, right?
i dont even know what you mean ...
is 55
which is what FibRec
which is also the correct result
is 55

@yatta It's a simple off-by-one
Your iterative simply always calculates one more element of the sequence, by the nature you wrote it
For completeness' sake, here are two equivalent versions:
It's essentially your version, but with the fixed loop condition and a bit less branching to make it a bit easier to reason about
it should be
n < 2 ? n : ...
and a = 0
fibonacci starts at 0
Calling these equivalent is therefore just a lie
(also just lots of bad practices)debatable
But the two I wrote are equivalent
Please tell me about my bad practices
it's just
not debatable
at all
I'd love to hear them as a professional + compiler dev in the industry 😄
ooo look at me, i'm so good, that means everything i do is right 

So your point is that you just wanted to make unrelated comments
Meanwhile I've figured out that OPs problem is a simple off-by-one in the loop
So congrats?
congrats to you too? must've really taken a lot of brain power that one
Well, you didn't manage, so decided to help in 😄
i did, but
just complete delusion lol
I'd advise stopping at this point
Fib can start at 0, can start at 1.
Formally, people define it from 0
For the purpose of this question, it doesn't matter
how does it not matter? you changed their code to work differently from what they need
And my two versions are simply equivalent to eachother, didn't claim they are equivalent to OPs
And you still didn't point out my bad practices
Did I say to copypaste my code?
I'd expect the OP to observe what the code does and go "oh, he started from 1, I'll just offset both versions"
Not hard to do
they couldn't figure out what was wrong with their code, you have a lot of confidence in them
you're also just introducing a bunch of unknown concepts to them
so posting that code at all is completely pointless
since they can't read it anyway
Recursion isn't easy, I'd expect them to play with it
I'm not familiar with OPs language abilities, I just wanted to write a short sample. If they want to ask to know what a certain element does, we are kinda here to help them
Or god forbid, they might learn language elements from reading others code?
Where are my bad practices?
You must have 30 of them collected by now
it really just feels like you needed to boast with "look how much more compact and cooler my code looks"
if i tell you or not, you're not having any of it anyway
it'd be a waste of energy to get into it
Please do
I'd love to learn from the uhm.... more experienced 😄
yes, please more condescending comments like that
Soooo... you're not gonna tell me
if that wasn't clear yet
Look if you are starting out from your own personality that's fine
But please don't assume from others who actually want to help
I've told them what's wrong, gave a sample code that doesn't have the problem no more, your ego needed to attack it out of the blue
how does it have anything to do with ego...?
It's fine if you wanted to point these out
But you could have said: keep in mind, Fibonacci starts from 0
i didn't even involve myself at all...
is that not basically what i did
Definitely not an initiative because you feel like someone pissed on your territory

like at all
i just pointed out that fib starts at 0
And made a passive-agressive comment about my lots of bad practices
And how I apparently lied
nothing to do with feeling attacked or whatever
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here this is what i think of you
That's... extremely mature
come on man, i'm trying to deescalate with a joke and you're not even having that?
i feel like that's way more immature
how do you have that much energy in your body to have such a nonsense argument
Can we all at least agree that recursive fibonacci implemented in that way is twice as expensive as it needs to be :D?
It's exponential my man
You recursively duplicate the tree, so it's not exactly twice. It's like twice every step!
Yep, right you are
Yes, this is exponential
This is why if you slap on memoization, you essentially get "linear-time", like the iterative one
(if we disregard lookup times, collisions in a hash-based container, ...)
And why fib(50) takes a while on the recursive one without memo :^)
Presumably you could:
No memoization necessary, still recursive
Yep, you invented recursion with an accumulator
The fun in that is that compilers can usually turn these into loops instead of recursion
Yay, go me
Depends on your compiler. .NET doesn't
Not Roslyn tho, don't expect Roslyn to do tail-call optimization for you
But our .NET compiler totally does
I wouldn't expect Roslyn to -- it's not optimizating. But the JIT doesn't
Roslyn does things here and there but yeah, the bulk is in Ryu I think
And I don't understand why they don't do TCO, it's not exactly hard or slow
Most optimizations left out are because "too complex and slow to be beneficial for a JIT", yet this one is just... ignored
IIRC it does do them, but there's no way to force it (at least from C#)
And if you can't rely on TCO, then you obviously can't write stuff which depends on it, which means there's less code that would benefit, and the chicken/egg cycle continues
Yeah, the lack of like an enforceable attrib makes it hard to rely on in user code.
Tho I think Goose made an assertion lib that could technically check for things like this, but it's cursed
@Ero you went way too far in personal attacks and that needlessly escalated the situation. And that video you linked was incredibly offensive and in no way succeeds as an attempt to "deescalate with a joke". T's first response was entirely reasonable.
i never said it wasn't
just completely weird message
i didn't attack anyone, if anything, i was attacked
don't even remotely understand how i'm getting blamed here
i also don't remotely understand how that video is "incredibly offensive" (??????????????????)
i'm not trying to start anything, i don't have the mental capacity for that
just genuinely confused
Me too. This got way escalated. I think the initial issue was you calling T's code "a lie (also just lots of bad practices)". That's very charged language that puts him on the defense. You responded with vague "it's not debatable at all".
their message was worded vaguely
they said the code is equivalent
which to me sounded like they meant it's equivalent to OP's
not the 2 methods within their code are equivalent
since saying that didn't really make sense to me
Then say that
Instead it escalated into a lot of personal attacks on both of your parts
@yatta sorry for the distraction. Did you get the answers you needed?
Ah ye, i should be the one sorry, i got my answer from some one above already, but i forgot to respone, my bad 

came here for coding answers and got a movie out of it
what a deal