❔ namespace 'Models' does not exist in the namespace 'BlazorBookGroup'

It is a subfolder though so what's the issue?
5 Replies
sea cryptid
sea cryptid2y ago
Angius2y ago
Items inside of Models folder can be in a Unga.Bunga.Binga namespace Directories != namespaces
sea cryptid
sea cryptid2y ago
OK but the namescpae was BlazorBookGroup.Models Looks like it's working now that I put it in the Data folder. But not sure why it wouldn't work in the Models folder. But I shouldn't have a Models folder in a Blazor project right? It should just all go in the Data folder?
Henkypenky2y ago
for reference you can add the usings in _Imports.razor and just use the types like normal, you don't need to use fully quallified namespaces
Post examplePost = new();
Post examplePost = new();
is just fine, however, naming things better helps pepelaff
Accord2y ago
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