Darken Blending Brushes
from @gfellow:
Druthers: In future releases would you consider a "Darken" option for the layers?
In other words, it one were to create three layers, and fill each layer in with red, yellow and blue, the end result would be black? I use this a significant amount in my 2d artwork, and I know it unspeakably awesome for my Open Brush creations:
Here's the best I can do, using the present 'highlight' tool:
1 Reply
I'd be pretty excited to have a brush (or any method) that tones down areas or some global way to limit/filter maximum brightness as a slightly less desirable alternative. Additive light gets really bright, especially if the gaze or camera intersects a number of brushes that use this. For example feather. Using the rays tool on any kind of highlighter brush makes this immediately apparent.