Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch [FILE PATH]

Why am I receiving this issue trying to deploy my application updates? This error does not happen locally or on my DigitalOcean backup server. This is for a NestJS backend. I use Railway for my production environment, very scared that this can happen there, as I can not restore a previous version. Luckily, it is only happening in my dev environment right now. Project ID: 29a5fb27-3661-4597-af03-ec799c4720cd . I need a solid answer on this, as this makes me very nervous about using Railway.
8 Replies
Percy2y ago
Project ID: 29a5fb27-3661-4597-af03-ec799c4720cd
Percy2y ago
It seems like the error is during the build step not install, and you need a different build command. Nebula suggested sending a URL from the dashboard and looking at the state of the project.
⚠️ experimental feature
Deani12322y ago
Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
Deani12322y ago
I had this happen on my live deployment. I really need Railway team to respond to this, as this will cause me to move to a different cloud provider.
Percy2y ago
Hey <@561675851113168907>, Please link your discord account to railway.
Adam2y ago
^ to flag the ticket for team review
Deani12322y ago
I linked it just now.
Percy2y ago
Flagging this thread. A team member will be with you shortly.