Update deployment on upstream changes

Hi, I’ve been using the Umami template for a while. Whenever there was an upstream update, Railway notified me, opened a PR and let me update. Has this changed recently? I no longer see the link to the upstream repo and the check for updates button. Railway also does not notify anymore. Any idea why? Also, new instantiations of the template do not trigger a service deployment. They create the Postgres db, variables and an empty service (without a deployment).
8 Replies
Percy2y ago
Project ID: d60bf97f-8759-4f1e-81ea-6daced935453
Percy2y ago
If a template you have created receives an upstream update, if configured, we will create a branch on the GitHub repo that was created when deploying the template, allowing for you to test it out within a PR deploy. If you are happy with the changes, you can merge the pullrequest, and we will automatically deploy it to your production environment.
⚠️ experimental feature
roy59312y ago
d60bf97f-8759-4f1e-81ea-6daced935453 This behavior has stopped working in my project
Percy2y ago
Hey <@904251444520185907>, Please link your discord account to railway.
Adam2y ago
Trying to flag the thread for the team to look into, won’t let me until you link your account
roy59312y ago
Hi, I had submitted this question on behalf of the actual Railway account owner - they have linked with Discord now
Adam2y ago
they’ll have to create their own thread
roy59312y ago
I have asked them to do so, we can close this thread