❔ MySQL publishing question

I'm working on a habit tracker using c# and mysql and i was about to publish it and send it off to github but i realized it has my MySQLWorkbench database password in it. I know its not a big deal since no one can get access to database but its a password that i use often. is there a way to hide the password and still have the connection still work?
8 Replies
Angius2y ago
strawhatgoofy2y ago
ah ok i started it as a console app and i dont think i have app settings.
Angius2y ago
Ah, I assumed it's an ASP app In that case, whatever other config file you want, really
strawhatgoofy2y ago
i should try asp everywhere i look is looking for asp.net
Angius2y ago
I mean, if you want to make a web application, ASP would be the way to go, sure
jcotton422y ago
Safe storage of app secrets in development in ASP.NET Core
Learn how to store and retrieve sensitive information during the development of an ASP.NET Core app.
jcotton422y ago
appsettings goes in the repo, which means there's a risk of it being committed user secrets are nowhere near your repo
Accord2y ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.