Railway2y ago

Unable to proxy custom domain using Cloudflare

For whatever reason, I'm not able to get Cloudflare to proxy my railway application using a second level subdomain. The error is "ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH". Just to make sure it should work, I've gone back and made sure that I could consistently replicate this case working successfully on a different platform; CF is properly proxying my second level subdomains using a different platform. So, technically it does work, just not on railway for whatever reason. Project ID: e623e4de-83e7-45a0-8fb6-343943128d45
2 Replies
Percy2y ago
Project ID: e623e4de-83e7-45a0-8fb6-343943128d45
Percy2y ago
root: If you have secure set, you need to set that up: https://expressjs.com/en/guide/behind-proxies.html root: Railway proxies your HTTP server to HTTPS. root: (note: if you're serving HTTPS already, you can remove that.)
⚠️ experimental feature