Service deployed with environment variables of another environment
I have two environments set up on my project, "production" and "staging".
For each environment I have a set of shared environment variables.
When I deploy my services on "production", they are deployed with the environment variables from "staging".
Looking at the values in the project settings, it looks like they are set up correctly.
Would appreciate any help on that issue, thanks!
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You might find these helpful:
- Environments | Railway Docs
⚠️ experimental feature
When environment variables are shared the values are shared as well
if you want separate values then they shouldn’t be shared
The environment variables are shared across multiple services, so to my understanding they should be shared.
Across environments (production/staging) I believe the values are separated.
Turns out it was a caching issue caused by a Cloudflare proxy.
Gotcha, I see what you mean. Thought you meant that you’ve set them up to share across environments as well