How can I deploy a Github Service to only a single environment, rather than all of them?
I want to have a Github service deployed just to one of my Railway environments (e.g.
), but when I go to +New add service, the service gets added to every environment I have. Is there a way to indicate I want a service to only exist in a given environment when creating?
Deleting the service similarly deletes it in all environments.7 Replies
Project ID:
You can deploy a GitHub Service to only a single environment by running railway up with an environment selected from the CLI, which will create a deployment using the variables from the Environment.
⚠️ experimental feature
Is there a way to deploy a single Database? e.g. I just tried to deploy a Postgres Database, but it seems it deploys one into every environment?
How does pricing work when you have multiple environments
e.g. I have a Postgres DB in AWS in this case for production, and I don't need a separate one here necessarily. Right now I'm thinking to actually just make a new Railway project and have that be where the Database lives, and only have a staging env in that project
I'm doing all this just to try to figure out the issue in
Doing what Percy Bot suggested wasn't very helpful:
I just hit a Failed to deploy with no info on why
Hi Nico,
The issue you reported was a bug and has since been fixed. You may need to re-create the staging and local environments to take advantage of it though
As for your previous questions:
At the moment, all Railway environments have the same databases and services. What is your usecase for wanting them to be configured separately?
@NicoNico pinging so you see this