Rear corner dip

I've been wrestling with this for hours now, after having installed the Enclosure kit earlier today - each adjustment I make seems to throw something out of whack. I'm sure I can improve on this since the tolerance before installing the enclosure was about .19mm. I have been unscrewing the left and right extrusions and adjusting them up and down to try and bring it into square as detailed in the FAQ video, and measuring my adjustments with a caliper just to make sure I'm not going mad - any ideas appreciated! Thank you,
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16 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
try to correct the back extrusion not the side extrusions the one one top of the z extrusion after that, correct the side extrusions
eastern-cyan•2y ago
thank you! 🙌 I'll see what I can find - do you mean the one at the top of the electronics panel? I think there are now 3 extrusions at the back of this one!
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
you have to loosen both side corners, yes its the extrusion directly on top of the rear z extrusion looks like its not straight ignore the front corners for the moemnt, try to fix the rear one first
eastern-cyan•2y ago
OK good shout thank you
eastern-cyan•2y ago
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eastern-cyan•2y ago
this is the best I've gotten but it's still dipping in that corner, I'll take a look at the rear although, in which direction would I adjust it?
eastern-cyan•2y ago
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Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
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Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
right back side down
eastern-cyan•2y ago
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eastern-cyan•2y ago
sorry if this is obvious but I don't see any way of actually adjusting this downwards?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
other side upwards put a thin business card between the extrusions on the other side the extrusions are not perfectly cutted, some are a bit longer or shorter
eastern-cyan•2y ago
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eastern-cyan•2y ago
ah ok that makes sense are we putting a spacer in the red gap or the blue gap?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•2y ago
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