Personal & work accounts

Hello, my GitHub account is tied to both personal & work projects, meaning I'd like to tie it to two separate Railway accounts. Both accounts will use different email addresses & have separate billing details. I currently receive an error saying my GitHub account is already linked to the first account – but my personal projects shouldn't live in the work world & vice versa.
10 Replies
Percy2y ago
Project ID: N/A
Percy2y ago
You might find these helpful: - Change Github linked account - Accounts | Railway Docs
⚠️ experimental feature
samuelms2y ago
JustJake2y ago
This is what Teams/Orgs are for. They'll allow you to have entirely seperate billing details while also sharing accounts for integrations (GitHub, Vercel, etc) It will allow full project isolation between work and personal, while also allowing you to share projects with coworkers. Let me know if you've got any questions
samuelms2y ago
thanks for the reply! The work account isn't on a team plan yet, we're still trialing the service internally
JustJake2y ago
Yup totally! We allow you to invite people to projects to test this out, and then split it out to a full on team when you're ready. We however prohibit multiple accounts using the same GH for fraud/abuse reasons
samuelms2y ago
I suppose that makes sense, but it's a bit unfortunate since a different coworker could've set up the work railway account - and my then my personal stuff would be just fine now I have to pick one or the other, in a sense (at least until one upgrades, ofc)
JustJake2y ago
Well, you'd have to pick at some point anyways no? ye You're welcome to transfer them the project for now, that should work just fine (Provided you both have access to the repo ofc) Project Settings -> Transfer You can also upgrade and, if you decide it's not a fit, I'm happy to refund the purchase.
samuelms2y ago
nah, it's all good - just wanted to learn what my options were short of creating a new team (i.e. we're evaluating railway against vercel atm) while minimizing personal impact this has been helpful, thanks Cooper
JustJake2y ago
Gotchya totally understandable Yep let me know if you've got any Q's, incl on what y'all are building and how Railway can pull the pain out of development. Happy to help in anyway 😄