Migrate from Heroku

Long time Heroku customer here wanted to migrate to Railway and instantly the app failed. Not the best experience so far. executor failed running [/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c composer install]: exit code: 2
19 Replies
Percy2y ago
Project ID: afb51a36-f9df-4a10-9db0-9373e32aac92
Percy2y ago
Moving to a new hosting solution can be hard, don't worry, we're here to help you get onboard in no time. Faster build times Customers report build and deploy times are cut in half when they move. Affordable Pricing You only pay for what you use. No mental math to pick which size dyno you need. No App Sleeping All services on Railway run 24/7 from the moment you deploy them.
⚠️ experimental feature
Innominate2y ago
afb51a36-f9df-4a10-9db0-9373e32aac92 Fairly simple Laravel app
Adam2y ago
Please send the entire build log That’s the very bottom error in the error trace
Innominate2y ago
Is that good?
Adam2y ago
Yeah that works looks like you need to update php
Innominate2y ago
Update php where?
Adam2y ago
by declaring a newer php package, do you have a nixpacks.toml?
Innominate2y ago
Nope, just deployed my GitHub project as it said
Innominate2y ago
Innominate2y ago
These were my buildpacks on Heroku Should I create one?
Adam2y ago
gotcha, here are the nixpacks.toml docs. In the phases.setup section add a php package. https://nixpacks.com/docs/configuration/file
Configuration File Reference | Nixpacks
App source + Nix packages + Docker = Image
Adam2y ago
I’m looking for the correct one now, you can find all available packages here https://search.nixos.org/packages?channel=22.11&from=0&size=50&sort=relevance&type=packages&query=php
Innominate2y ago
I got a Procfile
Adam2y ago
that’s not going to help us, you may have to delete it if you set a setup package to php-with-extensions it should detect the correct version make sure you don’t delete the element containing the ellipses, that just means for nixpacks to install all the packages it thinks are appropriate in addition to what you tell it to
Innominate2y ago
Adam2y ago
if php-with-extensions doesn’t work then try just php I never can remember which name to use
Innominate2y ago
I will check thanks Honestly this entire things feels like its going to add a lot of complexity, after this I'll probably have issues setting up the SSL certificates with CDN and such. I might just stay with Heroku for now. Thanks for help however