`Temporal` upcoming feature

Can anyone recommend some good resources for learning about the new Temporal API that's in proposal? I've been reading the official docs but I find the examples and explanations a bit lacking and inexhaustive. If there's a YouTube video using one of the polyfills that would be ideal, but I'm yet to find something that goes beyond what the docs show.
3 Replies
MarkBoots3y ago
Yea, temporal. I heard of it and it looks very promising. I didn't watch it yet, but saw this video passing my in my timeline. Maybe it is something https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOK3UzLJ_Cs
Web Dev Simplified
Learn Temporal API In 17 Minutes
My Blog: https://blog.webdevsimplified.com Temporal API Article: https://blog.webdevsimplified.com/2022-02/temporal-date-api Date in JavaScript suck to work with. They are clunky, have a terrible API, and overall make writing code less fun. Luckily, the Temporal API is being added to JavaScript which solves all the problems I have with dates an...
Rägnar O'ock
Rägnar O'ock3y ago
does it allow for date formating with string templates (like AAAA-MM-dd ,like in php, python, java, c, sql...) or did they do their thing again? I saw it worked with "pre built formats" but having more control without needing 50lines of code would be nice
WillsterJohnson (@me in replies)
datetime.toLocaleString(locales?: string | array<string>, options?: object) : string The locales and options arguments are the same as in the constructor to Intl.DateTimeFormat (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat).
- https://tc39.es/proposal-temporal/docs/plaindatetime.html#toLocaleString This is the same for all the date/time objects in Temporal, so you can do it in a single call, but you have to provide the presentation in a config object rather than a string template. Not as bad as Date, but not as good as <insert lang here>

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