Railway2y ago

Rust Rocket app high memory usage with no requests

Hey all, I'm new to rust, creating my first rust app. After deploying my app for the first time, it began with 2.4gb of ram used which has slowly been falling. Currently the app just has a rocket framework to recieve requests, but I haven't been sending any. Any ideas? Project ID: 97a7ae0e-5e14-49ea-b3a7-09a036763180 Monorepo (ace is the app): https://github.com/ItsGoldeneyes/rusty-bs Graph is over a time period of just over 1 day. Started at 2.4gb, now at 450mb
4 Replies
Adam2y ago
deploying from the included docker image Redeployed an hour ago and I'm seeing identical behaviour bump
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Unknown User2y ago
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Adam2y ago
I figured it out, thanks my issue was that I wasn't cargo building before cargo runing Like I said, brand new to rust
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Unknown User2y ago
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