UseCookie has a nesting limit?

Hello, I'm trying to persist the store (pinia) but I was having trouble adding an object like this to the cookies: However if I delete the array of users it creates the cookie normally, when not deleted it simply generates no error but also does not create the cookie. (Note: I was doing it by hand, because all the existing persistence libraries weren't persisting, probably due to the same problem, after all they all use nuxt's composable.
2 Replies
Zampa3y ago
Did you try ? That one works great for me to persist a store. Just make sure you add the persist: true to it:
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'

export const useStore = defineStore('main', {
state: () => {
return {
someState: 'hello pinia',
persist: true,
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'

export const useStore = defineStore('main', {
state: () => {
return {
someState: 'hello pinia',
persist: true,
kissu3y ago
Your JSONbin has expired.

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