[Support Update] Community Support and SLAs

TL;DR - Getting responses from the team now may take some time. We have a lot of cases! Help us, help you: give us a lot of information about your project so we can help you. We are working on improvements to the support experience. If you need immediate resolution for a commecial usecase, consider the Teams plan. Hey all! There are a lot of you here, and we are glad to have you! We are serving more users than ever before after crossing 1 Million+ Deploys. Understandably, many of you are moving your projects from the Public Cloud and especially Heroku. To give you a state of affairs; the community is juggling 200+ active threads, and 30+ engineering requests via email a week. This means we can't respond as quickly as we'd like to cases, and @Conductors are volunteer moderators who donate their time to help. We want to make sure that your journey on Railway is first class, as such, we ask for the following for any support thread. Please prevent thread duplication and use forum search. Provide a lot of information about the issue that you are facing. (Telepathy is on the roadmap but will take some to deliver in Q4 2035 kek ) Provide logs, Project-ID, link your account, and your GitHub repo when possible. Take advantage of existing documentation. Link to our Docs (issues with the product): https://docs.railway.app Link to our Help center (issues with billing): https://help.railway.app Failiure to provide sufficient information will result in your thread being deleted. Spamming the Railway team or mods will result in a kick from the server. Repeated violations will result in a ban. As a reminder: if you need immediate resolution for a corporate use-case, we encourage you to upgrade to the Teams plan. To be clear: we DON'T want you to pay for your project to work; thats an anti-pattern. Upgrading to Teams helps us prioritize where to spend our attention for critical workloads that do need attention. Humbly serving requests, Angelo + Railway Team
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