relation 'foo_bar' does not exist

Hi, i'm trying to deploy a Django app put getting error with my DB relationships as they don't exists, i'm unsure how to create them with Railway, all works well locally. The app has deployed but after connecting Postgres and running migrate (which goes fine) and creating a superuser, I get "ProgrammingError at / relation "foo_bar" does not exist". I don't see any of my models in the DB so obvious i'll be getting this problem. How do i go about migrating my local DB to Railway? Sorry kinda new to deployment. ID - 1b555e82-d5b7-4d50-b9de-354684ce6be6
2 Replies
Percy2y ago
Project ID: 1b555e82-d5b7-4d50-b9de-354684ce6be6
TheJoker2y ago
Now solved. I had cloned this project down from my Github and it had no migrations folder. I ran makemigrations <app_name> to get a migrations folder and an init file. Pushed and ran migrations again and my Railway Postgres created the tables.