How can my design be improved?

I feel like the background color for the day-of-the-week selector should be different, but idk
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7 Replies
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hyprsonic2y ago
Thanks for the feedback! Will definitely implement your suggestion!!
vince2y ago
Looks really good!
hyprsonic2y ago
vince2y ago
A couple suggestions now that I'm not half asleep: The navbar on the bottom, with the word "Timetable" on the active page. I don't think it's necessary and clutters up the navbar. Another suggestion is that I think the time (10:00 - 12:00) should be more prominent as (from what I'm assuming) it's the most important things on the page. "Org. of Programming Lnaguages" is what draws my eyes the most, and I'm guessing that's not what you want but maybe it is
Misha Sosnin
Misha Sosnin2y ago
Here's an iteration: - You have "Timetable" as a navbar label and as a title, it takes space, so we have an option to cut it; - And Seven and Vince give a good feedback also, so colors and attention to time; - Menu into navbar to free the screen space and make it all in one place;
Misha Sosnin
Misha Sosnin2y ago
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