hello when I download valorant I can’t connect internet

I reached support but the guideline they send is useless I did every video but nothing please help me I want play valor at my windows version is windows 8.1 and there is no problem with my pc because when I delete valorant my internet works and I re installed it like 6 times please KayONo
120 Replies
drunken sailor
lol its ur pc's problem bro windows 8.1 went out of support like 5 years ago
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
I’m sorry for being poor Can u just help me <@&734862285591412816>
drunken sailor
dude im sorry that u cant buy a new pc but u gotta understand windows 8 went out of service in 2016 wehweh and valo came out in 2020
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
U wont understand the problem U just trash talking
wyvern2y ago
valorant doesnt support windows 8 im pretty sure
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
Ok Thanks Sorry for wasting ur time
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
No description
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
Uhh Ur guys still need to help me I guess I mean If u want to <@&734862285591412816>
riley2y ago
upgrade windows thats all i can say
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
Ok I will try
kiiii2y ago
it supports 8 bru
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
Sunraku2y ago
But you don't have a pc
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
It’s just my username
Sunraku2y ago
Okay sure
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
My pc is trash but U have the answer ?
kiiii2y ago
whats ur specs
Sunraku2y ago
Yeah download valorant
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
I have 4 gig of ram And my cpu is this idk
kiiii2y ago
why dont u download valorant like
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
No description
kiiii2y ago
if u can use discord u can download it
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
Bro I downloaded valorant I’m texting on a phone
Sunraku2y ago
But it says you're playing tds
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
It’s my username
Sunraku2y ago
Your usernames are really misleading
kiiii2y ago
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
kiiii2y ago
why dont u play valroant
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
Bc I can’t connect intenernet after downloading valorant
kiiii2y ago
do u have a wifi dongle
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
kiiii2y ago
try inserting it in another port
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
I can connect internet after deleting valorant I don’t use cable Problem is about valorant Or vanguard <@&734862285591412816> No one ?
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
intel inside core i3 gen is very old It can't run valorant As i know U should take new pc to run these games But u can upgrade from windows 8 to windows 10 It would be nice
Chovel2y ago
Bro I got a i3 12 gen
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
I am taking abt his He has intel inside core i3
Chovel2y ago
my school has a intel inside core i3 its windows 11 i mean windows 10
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Download valo in it and KekwSob yeah,leave it just upgrade to windows 10
Chovel2y ago
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
It just takes an hour I had the same processor,it just gives 20 fps,no use though
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
Bruv Go to “userbenchmark” run their test and send the link in here. U will be able to see what specs your pc has and how it compares to other people who have the same hardware
James2y ago
Please do not try to ping this role for game support as its for moderation issues only. For official game support you will need to log a support ticket ;support
VALQuestion If you require assistance, please open a support ticket with Riot Support. Moderators are not Riot employees or developers and are unable to assist you with in-game issues. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us. If you are receiving an error code, you can find out steps to resolve them at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045619633-Error-Codes-in-VALORANT.
drunken sailor
bro im not trash talking or making fun of u im telling the truth fr that valo cant work on windows 8 sadly fake lol ppl cant run fortnite on windows 7 and fn came out in 2017
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
Stop making shit up just to sound smart goddamn
No description
RemiX2y ago
So... Is it JUST Valorant unable to connect to the internet, or can you not access the internet at all even on your browser? I just wanna make sure that it's not a firewall issue
drunken sailor
stop showing wrong proof goddamn windows 7 can run fn but its laggy as hell and its bcz my friend played on it once IN 2020
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
I can’t do anything like it’s connected but I can’t use it I think it’s about vanguard Because when I only delete vanguard I can enter every thing <@&734862285591412816>
RemiX2y ago
So I assume Vanguard is blocking your Wifi dongle's driver Let me do a quick google search Have you tried connecting with an ethernet cable?
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
I’m using WiFi Not Ethernet
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
using windows 7 is fine goddamn, your shit performance comes from your shit hardware. I was running windows 7 till 2019 and I played fn on high settings back then
RemiX2y ago
I know that you are using Wifi, I'm asking you to try connecting to the internet using an Ethernet cable
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
I can’t do it rn
RemiX2y ago
If it's Vanguard blocking your access to the internet, then it's probably because it probably thinks that your Wifi dongle's driver is weird or some shit
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
Bro I’m trying repair tool and then
No description
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
Like riot fix ur game bruh
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
mod literally told u to not tag the emergency like fix ur windows
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
I can’t enter valorant
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
i am telling u u cant even play with that specs
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
20-30 fps no use of doing this all better get a pc
kiiii2y ago
i play on a core i3 bro wdym and i get decent 50-60 fps lmAO
ASIAN2y ago
You can't play on it, if it somehow works it won't be fun and very laggy.
kiiii2y ago
No description
kiiii2y ago
so ur saying, valorant cant run because its not detecting any internet?
ASIAN2y ago
I mean the specs don't look the best either... I'm not saying it's impossible, but it definently won't be the smoothest gameplay ever.
kiiii2y ago
ofc its not the smoothest lmao
ASIAN2y ago
kiiii2y ago
but ur saying it would be really hard but its not its still smooth 50-60 fps
ASIAN2y ago
ig you're right I used to play on a 4GB HP Laptop, the ping would spike whenever being shot at am my WiFi is pretty stable It just would be really fun wouldn't*
kiiii2y ago
that isnt related to the specs tho thats based on ur internet speed
drunken sailor
bro u dont have any proof stop lyin
ASIAN2y ago
huh rlllly weird then. I remember my ping would spike to 3000 for most moments. My computer would start heating up at the home screen though. It was some HP laptop that was given to me, though it was bought for like 100 dollars.
kiiii2y ago
heres an example you have a core i7, a really good graphics card, 16gb ram and yet u run on windows 7 windows 7 will barely be a factor and u can still run it on high settings and still get good fps
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
i3 which generation
kiiii2y ago
kiiii2y ago
No description
kiiii2y ago
No description
kiiii2y ago
if u really wanna play valorant u have to think of ways on how
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Dude Can't u understand He has i3 inside Which is worst I have that It gives 20-25 fps U have 7th Prayge this bro
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
Nice troll 👍
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Windows 7 update has stopped in Jan ,2020,so don't use it
kiiii2y ago
omg bro even if its i3 inside its still within the minimum Prayge
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
It is For just 30 fps Which undoubtedly he can't play
kiiii2y ago
nah 30 fps is still playable
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
It's not consistent 30 fps It will be shaking like ur ass
kiiii2y ago
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
It goes for 5-10
kiiii2y ago
ofc u need other applications to stabilize it u need to think differently if u really want to play
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Ok bro,i told my side,i guess download on that pc and see
kiiii2y ago
i did on a pentium using process lasso, its playable
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Let him download
kiiii2y ago
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Ur Pentium and inside are different
kiiii2y ago
i alr did oh ask him to download it and see
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
He is still coping on windows 8 U cant ask him to download
KlasClaws2y ago
You realise the photo you posted was labeled Recommended not anything worse can't work it's this is a decent build to start with
bambık gamer
bambık gamer2y ago
Uhh Ant of u guys have solutions?
kiiii2y ago
what is the problem exactly like are u having internet problems or valorant problems
KlasClaws2y ago
Internet stops working when valorant downloaded? Idk all they said after pinging emergency way too much
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Bruh we told bunch of solutions,what else do u want As we told,upgrade the windows,did u do it?
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
What res did u play?
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
I don't remember It was smtg 1280* Some shit
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
Brother it’s not that deep to look at the picture correctly… “Minimum System requirements” is already marked in yellow..
KlasClaws2y ago
Oh I thought that was for Valo not fn mb
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Minimum means 30 fps
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
Just get yourself windows for 5bucks or just don’t activate it if you have 0 money to spend on it All good
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
Bruh wdym it's free Check YouTube It's so easy
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
Getting it illegal yeah that’s free, having a real licensed version of windows 10 cost something
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
It's not iilegal U can get it from windows website Non licensed btw
𝕯 Adam
𝕯 Adam2y ago
Using a non licensed version of Windows gets you the watermark on the bottom right which sucks ass (you also have some limitations if you dont use a licensed version). You could get a cracked version of windows 10 which would be illegal.. btw. Most keys that are getting distributed for some bucks are bought with stolen credit cards
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
yeah,but we have to steps to eradicate it,just watch some yt videos or type kmspico
kiiii2y ago
if its not paid bro, its illegal
ZeN GrooT
ZeN GrooT2y ago
It's just non-licensed,not illegal
kiiii2y ago
if non-licensed mean unactivated windows 10, its illegal
Metal2y ago
No Ms no car
Sunraku2y ago
Non-licensed windows aren't illegal But if you were to buy a key from a non-affiliate website or something like that it is illegal