Railway•2y ago

Can't reach my app through the url

Hi, I've created an app and deployed it to railway (as I've done many many times) and when I go to it's url it says "One Moment" your deployment should be live soon. I've deployed it more than 24 hours ago - so I'm guessing it's not a matter of my patience 🙂 The url is: https://crm-demo.up.railway.app/ My plan has credits. The deployment logs show that the app is up, and I see the console log written by my server to the logs - so the server is up - it seems that the routing to the server doesn't work. Please help 🙂
48 Replies
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noam.honig•2y ago
noam.honig•2y ago
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noam.honig•2y ago
No - I'm using express
noam.honig•2y ago
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noam.honig•2y ago
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noam.honig•2y ago
I'm not a discord pro - did this work?
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noam.honig•2y ago
If I run railway up again - will that work like redeploy? Found the redeploy menu - I've run it again - let's see
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noam.honig•2y ago
Ok - seems that redeploy helped - thanks BUT - I do a lot of live demos where I do live coding in meetups, and I finish these live coding sessions with a deployment to the cloud to show that it all works. So far I've been using Heroku - and I want to switch to showing railway (as I did in my last meeting) But - this issue where the routing doesn't work and I can't see why - and multiple redeploys may help is problematic when standing in front of a hundred people.... Any chance that you're going to improve on that? I would be happy to be a beta tester, and help with it's QA (I found some issues with the order in which things are done, db before code etc..... that cause it not to be crispy)
noam.honig•2y ago
Here's a youtube link to a meetup I've done - with the moment of deployment to heroku: https://youtu.be/Q0S1jMyKk-k?t=1766
Node.js Israel
Writing full-stack code without repeating yourself - Noam Honig (He...
As full-stack developers, we write a lot of duplicate and boilerplate code for everyday things such as simple database CRUD, data validation, authorization, and data-type conversions. How can we use a modern web architecture, but still keep our code DRY and increase productivity? Remult is an open-source CRUD framework for full-stack TypeScript....
noam.honig•2y ago
It's in hebrew - sorry 🙂
noam.honig•2y ago
Here's a draft video of me doing the same way with railway in the meetup last week
noam.honig•2y ago
BUT - if the deployment is not crisp, I can't take my chances in a live coding demo. Do you guys want to work on making this crispy? (I'll be happy to help)
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noam.honig•2y ago
Sure - I'll be happy to review this with you and show you the troubles I've run into - I'll create a github repo for that demo and I'll show you the steps I'm taking and the trouble I'm facing? Is that ok?
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noam.honig•2y ago
Thank you! I'm on it Issue 1 - DATABASE_URL missing if database is deployed after app:
git clone https://github.com/noam-honig/railway-demo-1
cd railway-demo-1
npm i
railway init
git clone https://github.com/noam-honig/railway-demo-1
cd railway-demo-1
npm i
railway init
answer empty project give name - railway-demo-1
railway up
railway up
As it runs, ( it takes a while) - add a postgres database The deployment doesn't restart with the new DATABASE_URL variable and it fails to connect to the postgres db Do you want more like this? I have several more like this issue - all around the crispy deployment experience that I need for live coding in meetups - is this the best way to report them? Keep writing them down in this thread - or would you prefer some other way?
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noam.honig•2y ago
Cool - can I grant you access to my account, I can leave these demos up there of you want to investigate them
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noam.honig•2y ago
That's so cool - I would love to hear more about this (as an open source package developer, I'm curious about your contributor journey - maybe on another thread?) Ok - this will also happen if I deploy from github, and add the database afterward - no need to write a new issue for that - right?
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noam.honig•2y ago
git clone https://github.com/noam-honig/railway-demo-1
cd railway-demo-1
npm i
railway init
git clone https://github.com/noam-honig/railway-demo-1
cd railway-demo-1
npm i
railway init
answer empty project give name - railway-demo-2 Add postgres from UI wait for it
railway up
railway up
after the cli completed (the build is still running in the background) goto: 1. deployment 2. Settings 3. Generate domain 4. click url The url doesn't work - even after the build is done, the sever is up (I can see the console log in the deployment logs) You can see that now in my account under railway-demo-2 (just like the issue we started with) The url is: https://railway-demo-2-production.up.railway.app/ The deployment was completed more that 5 minutes ago So far my solution was to wait for the database, wait for the deploy, wait for the build - and only them generate the domain - but that doesn't work all the time (as it didn't for the crm-demo project that this thread was opened for) Several redeploys and/or changes to the domain url eventually help - but it's not crisp 🙂
noam.honig•2y ago
I would love it if you could take a look at my open-source project and let me know what you think - It's a full stack CRUD framework - see, that works great on railway: https://www.github.com/remult/remult
GitHub - remult/remult: A CRUD framework for full stack TypeScript
A CRUD framework for full stack TypeScript. Contribute to remult/remult development by creating an account on GitHub.
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noam.honig•2y ago
Looks great, I'll look into it. What do you think about issue 2, that I've written?
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noam.honig•2y ago
I'm not sure I qualify since my project is an npm package, developers use to develop full stack applications - it's not an open source project they just deploy to railway 1. Happy to hear that - I was wondering why did I have to click on Generate url. 2. But even if I generate the url myself - it doesn't always work 3. Any chance that someone will update me on the progress of this issue? I would love to demo railway in the live demos I do - but as it is right now, that not every deployment gets a url and not every deployment works - it's kind of risky to use railway in a live demo
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noam.honig•2y ago
It didn't work for me:
noam.honig•2y ago
I've done: 1. Add new project 2. Deploy from github repo waited. Didn't work 😦
noam.honig•2y ago
I've also tried: 1. Add new project 2. Add postgres 3. Add github repo Also did not work
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noam.honig•2y ago
Any chance that someone will update me on the progress of this issue? I would love to demo railway in the live demos I do - but as it is right now, not every deployment gets aURL,l and not every deployment works - it's kind of risky to use railway in a live demo?
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noam.honig•2y ago
angelo•2y ago
Hey @noam.honig - we have changed a few rules here in terms for domain auto-generation 1. We need to update the docs on this 2. I am investigating if there is any bug related to attaching a domain to the deploy.
noam.honig•2y ago
Hi nice to meet you, can you reproduce the issues I've sent
angelo•2y ago
I dont have time to get to this immediately but I will get to it soon. (I have a backlog of 100 issues to chew through from the weekend)
noam.honig•2y ago
Got it - keep me posted Hey @Angelo any news on this?
angelo•2y ago
So a quick workaround is if you provide a Procfile and then have web: <start command> that would auto generate a domain for all your up deploy. For your class, I would just make a Template https://railway.app/account/templates -> You can make one here
noam.honig•2y ago
@Angelo thanks for getting back to me, I do many tech talks in which at their end I deploy to the cloud and show the result. So far I have been deploying to heroku - I wanted to switch to railway and present in my tech talks how I deploy to railway - but I need it to be consistent and crisp. If possible I prefer that it'll just work 🙂 instead of adding more steps. Showing people that I start from a template will raise too many questions in the live demo. Any chance that you plan to fix this issue soon?
noam.honig•2y ago
I've added a procfile with the following content:
web: node run start
web: node run start
And it did not automatically generated a domain. Please check with my repo: https://github.com/noam-honig/railway-demo-1/
GitHub - noam-honig/railway-demo-1
Contribute to noam-honig/railway-demo-1 development by creating an account on GitHub.