cant play valorant, says i need tpm 2.0 and secure boot in order to play
i tried all the hindi tutorials and i cant do anything, and yes i am a win 11 user
12 Replies
it sucks
that u need tpm
u might have it, look up a tutorial and check ur bios menu
see if u have it, just not turned on
i tried turning it on but my computer still says its off idk why
wait so tpm is in ur bios settings?
did u click save?
its like
hold on ill find it
if its not in ur bios menu, then you gotta downgrade ur pc to windows 10 cos that means ur pc doesnt meet the requirements
basically, it means ur pc got windows 11 illegally/built different
so u gotta downgrade to w10
otherwise it just wont work
true though my windows 11 is built different
my dad like bypassed it i think
yeah ik
if he didnt do that u would be able to play valorant
so either spent 150 quid on tpm 2.0
or u gotta downgrade
thanks anyway tho