responsive card depend on number of card
How i make this dynamicly in same component

9 Replies
Who have idea
I want to make it only css
Change flex-basis of the cards based off how many cards are in your flex container through javascript
i try but not work
i use card of mui5
1. Get the amount of children the parent element has in Javascript
2. Set a class on the cards based on the amount of children are in the container
Should be pretty simple to google
i dont want to use it directly dynamycly i want css do it
i found solution with calculate element
and work but i need others css directly
I recommend you look at the "how to ask good questions" post and edit your post detailing what exactly you want and what you tried
i have solution from Mr @Kevin
and i found it good just i will add some condition when i have 1 or 2 card
thanks for your response brother