How to avoid auto detecting deno?

I have a Remix app that uses node. Everything worked great until I added a subfolder with some typescript functions using deno imports in the repo. Now Nixpacks detects deno and of course fails the build.
4 Replies
Finn2y ago
How specifically does it fail What is the build command being set to?
simpautus2y ago
Originally I didn't set any commands but the ones from package.json were used. But after using the deno imports in some files I guess this happened:
Deno | Nixpacks
App source + Nix packages + Docker = Image
simpautus2y ago
I did some re-structuring for my repo now and moved the deno files outside the Remix app. Then I set the app root to that Remix folder of the repo in Railway. Now it works again and the repo is perhaps more intuitive this way. So all good here.
Finn2y ago
NICE! caps