FPS Keeps stuttering - RTX 3070, Ryzen 5 3600X, 16 GB 3200 DDR4
Hi there, my fps keeps stuttering between 6 all the way upto 144 game is simply unplayable

61 Replies
It only happens when I'm playing, when i'm spectating someone it's totally fine somehow
Try these fixes
Install all Windows updates.
Change your power plan.
Update your graphics driver.
Lower your mouse report rate.
Turn on VSync.
Empty Standby Memory.
Sometimes the graphics driver may be corrupted, or files may be deleted. If your PC contains a corrupted graphics driver, you may experience various problems, including shuttering and lagging. So, uninstalling and reinstalling your graphics will probably solve your issue.
@Deleted User
Hey, I’m running on the latest windows 11 build, high perf power plan, with the latest nvidia drivers. Ive just tried lowering my mouse’s report rate from 1000 hz to 500 yet it doesnt seem to have changed much. I’ve tried turning on/off vsync it’s the same. I’ve got intelligent standby list cleaner running in the background but unfortunately it doesnt fix much.
Ive tried running DDU and I’ve uninstalled my graphics drivers and reinstalled them in the past it hasn’t fixed the issue. I’ve had this for a long time which is why I’ve already attempted most of these
try process lasso
as a i3, 4gb, no gpu user, this is helping
i dont have it now tho cuz i dont need it anymore
Alright give me a minute
also while playing, try looking at ur cpu, gpu, and ram usage
in the task manager
Process Lasso has actually helped quite a bit surprisingly, I’m not sure what it’s doing but its definitely running smoother
when did the fps issue started?
with the current patch?
No its been quite a long time, nearly 8 months
It’s still not a smooth 144 (like when I’m spectating someone) but for now it doesn’t drop to 6 fps again and starts stuttering. It goes between 90-144 which is still pretty low for a 3070 all things considered, but atleast it’s playable
whats ur highest fps in settings?
144 is set as my limit, since my monitor is only 144 hz
By low I meant its odd for it to drop to 90
change ur power plan
iirc its set to high performance
Should I try something different, I’ve got Ultimate Performance, balanced, power saver, and bitsum highest performance available
make ultimate 😄
Might be a background app
Ultimate Performance didn’t change much, I’ve switched to Bitsum’s highest performance which is actually running really smooth now
Still not consistent 144
However much better
check for background programs
Ive confirmed with the task manager nothing much running thats taking up any processing power
try closing all background processes
and see what happens
There’s really not much running, Ive been playing with most things off anyways (Discord, and my browser) no startup programs, the only thing is standby list cleaner and now process lasso
What I don't get is why it's extremely smooth while spectating someone yet stutters while I'm playing

dips to 0
However it's much better then before
Do u use ethernet?
I do
Valorant's installed on my SSD aswell
And send a pic of ur ram usage, cpu and gpu usage whilst in game
And did u check drivers
Both on nvidia settings and normal windows settings
Cos this sounds like a rendering issue which often relates to drivers
Or a virus
IN-Game atm

But either way I recommend a hard reset if ur drivers r fine
Ok right click on valorant and set priority to real time
SEe if that changes anything
If it does u gotta reset pc if not then its drivers
Just did that, nothing changed
Ok check drivers
Do u know how to do that?
It's not my graphics drivers as I mentioned I've already reinstalled them previously
When does it lag
When u see a player
Or randomly
Nah it's random
Or use an ability
Not when i'm spectating however
Have u checked wifi router?
Or ethernet cord
How would that change anything
It's fps not ping
Have u got a ping graph?
My ping's fine
Enable it cos it might be wifi
Thats super weird
I think hard reset is the ur only option
Maybe a virus
Do u have buff?
Or anything that could be mining
Valorant tracker?
No, you've seen my task manager process list.
If u hard reset it might fix i had the same problem a few days ago and I just had to hard reset and both ow2 and valo stopped lagging so
Try it if u can
I've attempted doing so when asked to by valorant riot support.
Hard resetting?
Honestly mate I'm stumped
Did u check ur pc?
Yeah, what I did was try a different drive as to avoid losing data
Like the actual build
Fans and stuff
To make sure ur pc is getting cooled properly
Yeah it's not throttled by cooling
I think try hard resetting
Put important files onto an external hard drive
THen hard reset
Ive already said Ive tried the option
No u said u changed the drive
I'm saying fully wipe
Yeah, changed the drive as in completely removed my current drive running windows, installed a completely new drive running a fresh install of windows, installed Valorant, and still had the same issue. That’s a full wipe.
One big reason this could be happening is that your cpu/gpu can't handle 144 fps. Try setting the fps cap to around, 100 or lower (Might work haven't looked at the entire convo. So dont flame me if It don't work)
@Deleted User is it better?
idk how 3070 wont be able to run 144 fps
@Deleted User if u have tried everythign in ur power to try to fix it, try this

it will remove ur applications tho
but not ur files
He did it already
Process Lasso has definitely helped quite a bit it still cant keep up 144 though but atleast it doesnt stutter