is it okay to be a potato at the game im bronze 1 and iam in a loser que
i need help

9 Replies
its ok ull get better
if u care enough


idk bro sometimes i lose hope
idk if its normal
to be level 28 and be like that
There’s this phenomenon I like to call “Skill Check,” where your rank in a game looks like a checkmark. You quickly dive down to where your skill currently is, but playing for a while after naturally raises your skill, and you eventually climb up to your new rank before plateauing at a higher rank.
TL;DR: stick with it, and you will get better.
ty cuz i have a friend that play from atleast a year and is a silver and another friend plays from some some months and he is diamond III
You WILL get there. Speaking from experience with other games, the skill just follows.
It fine, I was bronze one in the beginning, and I moved around between that and iron 3 but fell to iron 2