misban third-party-program
I just came back home from a long day and I got banned so I decided to log into a friends acc and after 1 round unrated this account got also banned and then I just resetted my pc and I tried playing on an other account from my other friend and I still got banned Idk what is happening right now cause I resetted my whole pc and there is still something that detects it I already write a Ticket but I feel bad because my friends got banned too because of me anyone can help me?😢
15 Replies
btw I don't used cheats in the past
Skill issue
Appeal it
i got ban for no reason

wth is this
Dude just appeal it. Commen Sense
Appeal it and state what happened
if u get banned on an account, u get hardware banned. so anytime u load a new account on the same pc, it will also get banned
so what i do i dont use any of that
can i support the appear?
ouh but do you maybe know if there is a chance my friends can get unbanned? :c
do the appeal like me