Railway2y ago

Django deploy with nixpacks

When I try to deplot with nixpacks, it always tries to install psycopg2 despite it not being in my requirements.txt file. I have also tried installing it before building using nixpacks.toml with "[phases.setup] aptPkgs = ['psycopg2']" but that didn't work either Funny enough, my deployment runs perfectly fine when I change the builder to Heroku buildpacks.
5 Replies
Acel2y ago
still no respone? sighs
nebula2y ago
cc @salvage take a look at nixpacks django ig im too lazy to
jr2y ago
Can you try installing postgres into the image
nixPkgs = ["...", "postgresql"]
nixPkgs = ["...", "postgresql"]
Also, is your repo open source? We would like to make this work out of the box
jr2y ago
Confirmed that installing postgresql with Nix solves the problem. This should be fixed my default soon https://github.com/railwayapp/nixpacks/pull/597
Python psycopg2 and postgres by coffee-cup · Pull Request #597 · ra...
This PR installs the postgresql Nix package if the python psycopg2 dependency is detected
Acel2y ago
This worked for me. thanks do nixPkgs also install packages available to apt? or how can I get a list of available nix packages? nah, it isn't