High latency, discord bot

My bot used to be hosted on digital ocean and my latency was pretty low.. as you can see in the pics, any reason why its so high on railway?
8 Replies
Faraz2y ago
Where are you based? Or I guess, where was your DO server hosted?
cordila2y ago
New York
nebula2y ago
what is it on railway also i wouldnt worry about bot latency tbh
cordila2y ago
On railway there is no other region right--?
nebula2y ago
no like whats the ping from railway vs DO
cordila2y ago
Oh I attached the pics if you see above
nebula2y ago
how is it calculating latency btw oh i see why discord hosts their bot gateway in gcp us-east virginia so your old server used to be in new york which is closer railway is in us-west so its physically farther away
cordila2y ago
Oh yeah that makes sense, I saw there is a feedback post for it, going to suggest us-east is worked about first thanks!