PostreSQL Database Usage Estimate

Hello. Before I deploy my database, I want to make sure how much resources it may use. • The database has 10 different tables • The total records count is 14532 (10721 + 1951 + 1182 + 457 + 50 + 60 + 60 + 5 + 50 and soon an additional ~3000 records) • About 200 records written per day • About 100 records read per day (with filters)
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manhat2y ago
Hm. It’ll probably take a while to move the data from my previous db I just want to make sure it won’t be that resource intensive
angelo2y ago
It's very likely that the resource consumption of your previous DB would match the resources on Railway. However, I did ya a favor and looked a comparable on Railway. I notice that this level of use would run ya about $6 to $7 a month. The highest CPU/Mem load here would be first importing your data or any crons on the DB. Keep in mind, we don't charge for records within the DB. I want to make it clear that this isn't a hard estimate, just one looking at a DB with a likely use-case. I know you are right in holding off until you get a better feel, but deploying a staging version of your DB on here would be easier than ya think if you wanna get a proper estimate.
manhat2y ago
That looks good enough to me, thanks for the help 👍 So the $6-7 a month is with the importing part, what about without it?
angelo2y ago
Won't be able to say for sure as I am not snooping that closely on that customer's behavior. But they have a similar record count + writes. I don't think it will differ that much considering how pg writes are handled. Restoring a dump is like .05 cents of use depending how quick it is. I think the big tell is how complex your writes will be.
manhat2y ago
The most used table has 6 columns
angelo2y ago
If it's just simple adds to a table, I think the estimate will be much lower. But I don't think the cost will be that crazy. Yea, I think you'll be good I can say with high confidence that your bill wont be $100 if thats your worry.
manhat2y ago
I am hopefully switching to a prepaid plan very soon And want to not exceed $10 a month Thanks for the help, much appreciated
angelo2y ago
No problem! Let me know if you have other questions about the platform 🙂
manhat2y ago
Hello again. I know this depends on a couple of factors, but what would be the average read/write speeds for the DB?
angelo2y ago
Not a suitable answer but I wouldn't be able to tell ya. 😢 Might be good for us to run and publish some benchmarks.
manhat2y ago
Well there is this page with a slider that shows some info, but it isn’t really specific on how it was estimated
manhat2y ago
Railway is an infrastructure platform where you can provision infrastructure, develop with that infrastructure locally, and then deploy to the cloud.
angelo2y ago
Yes, but that is not about the performance of the DB as you were asking. In this slider, we usually have that to get other users to have a feel about what to expect when using Railway.
manhat2y ago
Oh right, my bad 😅 But yeah, something like this would be appreciated