Merging services in projects?

Hello everyone, I started using railway about a month ago and deployed two different services across two different projects. A database and a node.js api. Right now they're split across two different projects. Is it possible to merge them into one project?
5 Replies
Faraz2y ago
Sadly no. The easiest way would be to re-deploy the api inside the project with the db and then delete the other project.
zardoru / Agka
I feared it, but it looks like it's the way to go. Thanks! So after redeploying the API, how long is it expected to take before the deployment is live? Ehehe. It's taking a while. I switched the custom domain and it went up instantly. It might have been having trouble reusing the old subdomain
angelo2y ago
This may be an edge case in behavior. Were you attempting to use the Railway provided domain for a service that was previously named to the old service?
zardoru / Agka
angelo2y ago
Going to note this down for our engineer who works on our Proxy. Might be an issue with reconciliation when we have an old service domain on the routing table.