Railwayβ€’2y ago

Questions on Database-essentials

1. Are there automated database-backups? If yes, how do they work and how are they priced? I couldn't find much on the website / in the docs. 2. Some hosting-providers (such as fly.io, iirc) advertise local, cloned, readonly databases all over the world to allow for faster read-access. Does Railway.app offer something similar?
10 Replies
JustJakeβ€’2y ago
1. We maintain database backups for internal disaster recovery. They're not user accessible and we can't pull them one off 2. We don't currently offer this. You're actually the first to ask, so I've created a ticket and you can track progress here. https://feedback.railway.app/admin/feedback/feature-requests/p/read-replicas-for-databases?boards=bug-reports
guess_wh0β€’2y ago
1. So while I can't pull automatic backups, they exist and make sure the database doesn't get corrupted? Three small questions? Roughly how often does this happen? They do not get billed, correct? There is a way to manually download a copy of the DB, right? 2. Thank you! πŸ™‚
JustJakeβ€’2y ago
They're there in case of large scale failure/corruption on our hosts. If one database goes corrupt, based on user input, then sadly that's not something we can restore from We'd recommend running a cron to something lilke S3 or tarsnap ^^Above should be pretty trivial. Use whatever cron library you like and invoke a pull + push. We should probably have a starter for this... Our internal snapshoting happens every 24h There is no way to manually download it There's no way for us to even access individual backups as it's a massive block storage unit
guess_wh0β€’2y ago
I'm completely new to this whole thing, what is a cron?
JustJakeβ€’2y ago
Cron = cronjob aka a job that runs every X period What language are you using?
guess_wh0β€’2y ago
I meant "Is there a way to download the current database? (not one of the backups)"
JustJakeβ€’2y ago
Oh yea I mean Not through the UI Depends on the database
guess_wh0β€’2y ago
I'm using Rust (rocket.rs/) and PostgreSQL
JustJakeβ€’2y ago
Yea you'll have to google it But, we expose the whole instance So, you can do whatever it says in whatever guide you find to download it
guess_wh0β€’2y ago
I see, thank you! πŸ™‚ As you seem very knowledgeable, could you look at my previous question? It can be found about 2 questions down. https://discord.com/channels/713503345364697088/1008800276746092706/1008800276746092706