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Run watch first time

Hi there, Is there a way with a watch command to force it to run the first time it's started. Even if none of the files have changed. In this case I'm thinking of a web server. ```...

How can I create an internal task which will generate env variables for the main task?

Hello everyone! I am using Taskfile as a short cli helper to run my tests. Each time I am running task, i have to generate new env variables, is there a way to do smth similar via a sub-task? For example:
``` gen-env: env: SERVER_PORT:...

[Question] Best practice around "remote" taskfiles

As part of Wails v3, we're introducing "Services" which are a little like plugins, but provide additional features. These will be published as Go modules. In certain scenarios, it would be great to also distribute a Taskfile to add functionality to the main build system. I'm aware people can opt into Remote Taskfiles and then access the Taskfile via a URL, but there's a few concerns: 1. Keeping it in sync with any module updates 2. Being transparent about what is being run 3. Allowing them to customise the task ...

How to define global variables for all taskfiles

Hello. Could you please help me. I can't find a way how to define global variables for all Taskfiles. I have a lot of Taskfiles and want to define some "user-defined" variables that will be applied for all Taskfiles, but can't find a way how to do it. I tried to create some Taskfile ``` version: '3'...

How to reuse code in taskfile?

I have a lot of commands which all begin with the same code, and I'd like some clever way to reuse them. I found out I can do it with vars, but the problem is that I would like to keep the calls short and sweet, and using var changes the height of each method from 1 line to 4 😮 Is there some other, more concise method?

Defining flags/arguments for a task?

Heya! I just found this and from the docs I don't believe it's possible, but I was wondering if it was possible to define flags/options and arguments for tasks? For example, our project has a custom linting command and we want to have everything discoverable by a taskfile.yml (instead of having a combination of bash scripts, package.json aliases, random standalone executables, etc) Is there any plans to implement this, or any ways to get it somehow?...

How to check if ARGS count is not 0

Hello, I am trying to write a taskfile and want to ensure user must pass an arg. How to check this ?

dotenv inside included Taskfile

From docs: "Please note that you are not currently able to use the dotenv key inside included Taskfiles." Are there any plans to implement this, please? Especially when using dotenv on task level in included Taskfile works: included Taskfile:...

Problems with include files

I'm working with 2 Taskfiles. The first one are for public task in the second exists internal tasks . In the first one i had this: ```yaml...
No description

task for dummies?

task documentation is pretty harsh for people who aren't so savvy. For example I was looking for a way to do a -ex in all the shells. I couldn't find a way and evntually gave up and just slapped a 'set -ex' about as needed. The other day I let an AI assistant muck with one of my taskfiles and it added essentially the long form of 'set: [e, x]' to the taskfile on its own accord. I see that set-and-shopt section on the website and it really doesn't give me any idea of that possibility. A lot of things in task reference other code, like text/template and seem to assume a familiarity with them. But I'm honestly not very experienced with stuff. Where is the task for dummies? I would really like to see snippets, examples, cool frobnitz, and best practices. task info is really hard to track down....

Convert string variable to integer

I'd like to convert my string variable to an integer, how can I do it? Are the some conversion functions supported by the templating language?

Watching golang source w net/http server

my problem is when i run this task, it doesn't tear down the command, so port will be busy on refresh, i am just a beginer in task, plz help me in this version: '3' interval: 3s...

Rerun task on dep build.

Is there a way to make a task run when one of it's deps was rebuilt in the current run

Parentheses in commands

I understood I should escape () parentheses, but how do I do it? Backslashes did not work, task says: task: Failed to parse Taskfile.yml: yaml: line 16: found unknown escape character

Boolean value keeps evaluating as false

Hello everyone, I'm trying to do something like this: ```yaml vars: with_elastic: sh: |...

Is this the best way to create a list (that can be empty) for use with templates?

```yml VENV_TO_INSTALL_STR: sh: |- for pkg in "{{join "" "" .PYTHON_PACKAGES}}"; do echo '{{.VENV_ALL_PACKAGES}}' | grep -q "{"name": "$pkg"" || echo "$pkg"...
You could use compact instead of initial. This would remove any empty items from your array. Alternatively, you can build a JSON string and call fromJson. There are probably other ways too. Regarding ref. By design, it only accepts a single ActionNode (i.e. One set of {{...}}) so if statements are not possible. ref is designed for you to be able to refer to other variables while maintaining their type, not for logic. It is actually a side-effect of the templating engine that functions are available for use in ref, but we felt this was acceptable/useful....

Is it possible to to specify a Go version in a Taskfile?

When building a Taskfile.yml, is it possible to specify the Go version used when building the application? This is all I have in my Taskfile.yml: ```yaml...

variable for current taskfile?

Is there a variable can be used in taskfile works like __dirname in js , which is the directory of current taskfile.yaml ? for example, when CWD= /home/user/src/project1/internal/, running task with /home/user/src/project1/taskfile.yaml, a variable for /home/user/src/project1/...

Does precondition support go templates?

It seems that preconditions don't support the templates, or if they do, I'm unable to figure it out.