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Mac Terminal App
uploadthing replacing name and adding customId in middleware fails to run
s ( Logging the error provided by useUploadThing()
's onUploadError
gives UploadThingError: Failed to run middleware... Caused by: Object { ā¦ }
.middleware(async ({ req, files }) => {
// This code runs on your server before upload...Is there a Vitest UI equivalent for Jest test suites?
project idea
Using Next.js with Biome instead of ESLint
DB Errors Init on Login for `create-t3-app` w/ Prisma + NextAuth
from Prisma:
The table `main.Session` does not exist in the current database.
The table `main.Session` does not exist in the current database.
mysql free deployment platforms
database however pretty much every platform i came across didn't have a free plan , I have no intention to spend money on this project it's only for my portfolio here are the platforms i have seen : plantscale , render , railway ,...How to Hook UploadThing to a Different Route Instead of /api/uploadthing?
PlanetScale vs. AWS
Handling Dates with client and server and database
Single react query doesn't seem to hit then endpoint in production (Vercel)
Localhost:3000 says: Failed to run middleware with uploadthing
Need help picking a front end framework.
hot reload not working on fresh install of create-t3-app
CSS Variables or Context
ReactHookForm propagating nested forms despite e.stopPropagation
Uploadthing 400 Error
How to use credential login