🧩 Plasmo Developers


🧩 Plasmo Developers

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How to access user object?

In my IndexPopup there is this hook: const [user, setUser] = useStorage<User>({ key: "user", instance: new Storage({ area: "local"...

Parse and compile issue?

I am getting this error only when I run yarn dev:plasmo and its works fine and well with yarn dev:next any idea how to resolve this please? Am I missing something? Using plasmo with Turpo repo and next js...
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how to align an popup to the center of the page

I am trying to align an popup to the center but it's not working as expected
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Unable to make request from extension to backend, but postman testing working

I am building an extension, which makes request to "localhost:3000/api/chat", but it is giving cors error. While testing from postman it is working fine.
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Why It is not showing completly?

I just started to work with plasmo, but this is not as I expected any reason.
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Hey guys, how to import usePlasmo now?

Connecting to SQL Database

I'm new to Plasmo and trying to figure out the best way to connect an extension to a SQL database so that a user can enter information into the extension tab which will then be saved to the database. What is the simplest/best way to do this? I already have the database set up and the basics of the extension, I'm just having trouble determining how to connect them so any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Testing chrome extensions

Hey, new here, sorry if redundant. I have an extension that my site relies on called ArConnect ( a web3 wallet on the Arweave network ), which is built with plasmo. My site is a vite-react-ts stack and uses jest as a test runner. I want to add tests the check for ability to install the extension, generate a wallet (consistently), connect, disconnect, and a variety of other things. I was planning on using playwright + jest to do this but wanted to come ask here if there was a standard way of testing with the plasmo framework?...

Lavamoat configuration

Hi, I am making an open-source credential manager with Plasmo, and Looking to implement Lavamoat package for security reasons. Appreciate any assistance. Thanks....

MUI styles are working fine on dev for MUI Modal but its causing issues on production

No errors, works fine when modal opens for a first time, but no styles if opened again. Please help

Is this possible with a Chrome extension?

Hey everyone! I am trying to create a Chrome extension that will cache HTML, CSS, JS, images etc. for webpages visited at a particular webpage. For example, for the domain blah.com if the user visits blah.com/my-blog the extension will cache everything (possible) that is needed to generate that page into local storage or indexedDb. Then if the user visits that page while offline it will reconstruct the page from cache and display it (albeit not perfectly but that is okay for my use case). ...

Content script nesting

Is this type of nesting supported? The content scripts here aren't being included when running pnpm build.
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How to position popup?

Hi! With team we are trying plasmo and we are faced with quite simple issue. we used tailwing and for example for popup.tsx we had this: import React, { useState } from 'react'; import './style.css'; ...
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accessing stripe in CSUI

I'm trying to mount a content panel that checks if the user is on a paid subscription before accessing certain page details. I've got auth working, but not a way to check the Stripe API (following the dangers of injecting script direct to browser like this tutorial mentions) https://www.propelauth.com/post/chrome-extension-authentication-with-plasmo the with-stripe example on Github only works in the popup, I'm now trying to get the customer info by email from a background script using sendToBackground but it hangs after logging the email. any tips?...

Anyone tried HTMX?

Hey all, I'm working on a chrome-extension poc that ideally is made entirely with HTMX, for the moment I had no luck setting up the project. Has anyone tried this yet?

Mantine Example is Deprecated

plasmo-with-mantine example is deprecated. Mantine v7.0 no longer uses emotion or emotionCache. I tried fixing by based on the Tailwind approach. It works well for the default Mantine, but not for custom themes and fonts: ``` import cssText from "data-text:@mantine/core/styles.css";...

How to load SVG in CSS

In the docs I found https://docs.plasmo.com/framework/import So I did ```scss .card-stats { background-image: url("raw:~assets/Spring.svg");...

Access env variables with dynamic keys?

I can access process.env['PLASMO_PUBLIC_HELLO'], but not process.env[PLASMO_PUBLIC_${key}], Is there a way to do so in Plasmo?...

Add content scripts dynamically.

Hello everyone 🖐🏼, I am currently working on developing a Chrome plugin, and I have a specific scenario that I need assistance with. On a webpage, if there is an HTML element with the attribute contenteditable="true", I need to display a floating button that can modify the text inside that element. I'm curious if it's possible to implement this functionality using Plasmo. Has anyone had experience with a similar requirement or can provide guidance on how to achieve this?...

side panel default_path

Is there a way to tell Plasmos to not set the sidebar.default_path when generating the manifest? From what I can tell when generating the manifest it's always set if the component exists. I believe the code responsible for this is found at https://github.com/PlasmoHQ/plasmo/blob/292fe5f0a49a9f218253aabc9bd42764a9ec33ae/cli/plasmo/src/features/manifest-factory/mv3.ts#L21. I don't know how this should be set, maybe export a property from the component itself? I'm not very familiar with the framework and how its designed....