🧩 Plasmo Developers


🧩 Plasmo Developers

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Does Plasmo content ui support raw html without injecting react runtime?

Hi, I am creating an extension which has a lot of content user interface being injected in every page. Due to performance considerations I want to inject as few runtimes as possible....

Targeting Firefox MV2 instead of Chrome MV3 by default

Hey everyone, I was wondering how I could configure plasmo so it targets firefox manifest v2 instead of chrome?

Need help figuring out how to make a simple fetch request to an api

How do I use the messaging API to make a simple fetch request to an external API?

Extension runtime is not available

Hi when i try to send a message from a CSUI to a background throws an error "rror: Extension runtime is not available" How do I communicate from a csui with the rest of the application?...

How to use Fluent UI with Plasmo

I hope to use fluent UI componants in my extension? how to mount the styles from it?...

`plasmo dev` doesn't work in yarn pnp monorepo

I initialized a basic plasmo extension in the packages folder of our monorepo. we are using yarn plug'n'play so I tried running pnpify plasmo dev in the script. But I get this error ERROR | EROFS: read-only filesystem, open '/node_modules/@plasmohq/parcel-config/run.json' I tried running it with verbose and get this. ``` EROFS: read-only filesystem, open '/node_modules/@plasmohq/parcel-config/run.json'...

Create confirmation as CS after clicking on context menu

I created a context menu that save an image after clicking on the menu item. I would like to create a nice confirmation as CS. What would be the best way to send a message from the BGSW to CS? Here the code I have in BGSW in background/index.ts:...

This popped up for me, how do I update my dependancies?

Im assuming this is a big concern, it has to do with the version of my dependcy, how do i update it?
No description

Can i integrate plasmo into an existing Vite project or do i have to migrate to Next?

I noticed that there is no with-vite example, why is that? Can i use Vite or is there a major compatibility issue? PS: it might be good to address this in the docs (I apologize if it is actually mentioned, I have not seen it)...

Is it possible to make page navigation inside the options of the extension?

For example, imagine you open the options page at extensionid/options.html and you click a button inside this page that takes you to extensionid/options/dashboard.html.

When should you actually use getShadowHostId?

There are a few examples of getShadowHostId being used in the examples git repo. In the example here for google, the sidebar no longer shows when I rename or remove the getShadowHostId line. (https://github.com/PlasmoHQ/examples/blob/main/with-content-scripts-ui/contents/google-sidebar.tsx#L20) But in this example on the plasmo website, it still works perfectly whether I remove it or not, or rename it. https://github.com/PlasmoHQ/examples/blob/main/with-content-scripts-ui/contents/plasmo-inline.tsx#L11...

What is the correct way use an image url from assets to show notification?

I use this: ```ts import iconUrl from "url:/assets/icon.png" ...

How do I troubleshoot my plasmo production build?

My app is working well in development, but when I tried moving to the production build it no longer opens when the extension icon is clicked. I'm using ^0.80.0 with a side panel.

From popup.tsx to content.ts

I want to make a function from my content.ts that executes when a button on popup.tsx is clicked. I wanted to use the sendToContentScript from messaging but it seems to be undocumented, does anyone has any idea how to use it (Both in the popup and content) Thanks a lot !!!

How to install the plasmo build target in firefox?

in chrome just “Load the unpacked extension”

Wrapper component for all content scripts?

When using multiple content scripts UI, is there a way to wrap them all in a React component? Thanks

Browser-agnostic Google OAuth 2

I need to allow the user to log in with his Google account, regardless of the browser he's using. I'm not using Firebase BTW The issue is that Google's documentation (https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/tut_oauth/#identity_permission) is not relevant to Edge, since Edge only allows https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/identity/launchWebAuthFlow What am I missing?...