Remove item from storage with Plasmso Storage API?
There is a difference in the developer experience building the options page vs normal web with vite?
Webstorm displaying an error on newly created project
Plasmo with
How to Observe and Render a list of root containers
How do you programatically close the popup?
Shortcut keys clash with TextArea when React component is mounted via InlineAnchor ShadowDOM
Is there a way to use Tailwind on Content Script UI Overlays?
How to use `@plasmohq/messaging` to create two port between BGSW and Tabs Page?
Where's the standard output for background messaging workers?
Docs for Message Flow results in typescript error
How does sidePanel works?
Styling not applying on content.tsx with-styled-components example
extension submission workflow failure
Supabase host permissions
Is there an example on how to send a message from service worker when chrome.alarms event triggers
code followed by chrome.alarms.onAlarm
event handler. Now, when the alarm triggers, I would like to notify my content script. I did see the ports API, but it seems like it first needs to get a message from the content script before it can send a message itself? Also, since I need to declare the event handler in the global scope and not within the ports api handler, how do I go about implementing this?How to use plasmo with a side panel?
Does Plasmo content ui support raw html without injecting react runtime?
Targeting Firefox MV2 instead of Chrome MV3 by default