Best way to look for text in a deeply nested JSON?
const postsWithMeta = await db.$queryRaw<Posts[]>
FROM "Posts" p...Raw SQL returns ~5x slower than CLI / `pg` package
or queryRaw
. the query is 2-3 secs.
I even hooked up the pg
package and confirmed it is around ~500ms....Infer type from create query?
. Attention to the shape, not data
async function createSchedule() {
return db.schedule.create({
data: {...Tracing / OTEL only works with manual active spans.
Dynamic Database Name Support in Studio
Is there no more online database browser from prisma?
narrow down String type using prisma client's extension?
help with relations
model to kepp track of the absent familyMembers without having to store the data on the familyMember
model.License details for Studio
mongo dates without JS Date object?
using mongo -- insert document without any checks whatsoever?
gin index
CREATE INDEX ON my_table USING gin (my_string_column gin_trgm_ops);
CREATE INDEX ON my_table USING gin (my_string_column gin_trgm_ops);
Omit type for creating
Syncing Prisma across multiple repo's
[React Native] DB duplicated to the emulator. Intentional?
file and uses it
2. Prisma Studio shows a different sort of data, as if there were 2 separate DBs at the same time, which makes no sense
What happens:...Do transactions work when you nest them?
UnknownJsonError - P6000 - Something went wrong
Cant setup prisma accelerate, on the site when i try to enable accelerate I get error