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All posts for Zod
Leozinn - i'm compiled my project, and interfac...
hinogi - tsconst a = z.object({ foo: z.strin...
versace - hey!I am currently investigating wh...
Dawson - Can someone sanity check this for me? ...
Torbjørn - Hi!We use zod to validate data com...
Haddok - hi , i have defined a schema where i a...
unnreaal - tsconst schema = z.coerce.string()....
Steve - Is there any data on performance compar...
Steve - Would this be valid, or would it possib...
Bence (Arzen) - Hi guys 🙂 Is there a way to cr...
Steve - We have some performance issues with bi...
Z4RM - Hello! I'm going to write a fullstack ap...
Whimsy - is there any function or way to make s...
Steve - How much overhead does Zod have? How pe...
Steve - I was wondering if there is a certain w...
Steve - I have this unique case where I want to...
Discriminated union default value on the discriminator
Stephan Meijer - What was the deal with union a...
Whimsy - .optional() makes the type optional? l...
Stephan Meijer - How does Zod's transform funct...
CommandMC - z.function().args() seems to forget...
Stephan Meijer - When exporting myschema's and ...
Whimsy - hey is there a way to tell zod what ki...
unreal - Hello, i have this schema tsconst som...
Luan Mário - Guys, I need help, I'm using discr...
fahad19 - Hi folks 👋 I am using Zod for lint...
EagleV - hi, how can I test zod using ...
angrybacon - Hello 👋 apologies in advance if I...
ménard - I'm thinking of something like:typesc...
Haddok - Hi everyone , i have to use zod in my ...
doug4794 - I have this login schema and want to...
Luan Mário - how to make an input of type date ...
QBit - Form should not accept decimal nos. For...
Bence (Arzen) - Hey guys 🙂I have a (might be)...
Gludek - Hey,I have objects like this (there's...
adxvcasas - How to set a default value for opti...
Gludek - Just to confirm z.string().email() can...
adxvcasas - Hello, so right now I have checkbox...
shadi - hey everyone, i've been struggling with...
squibler. - Hi folks. I'm looking to validate a...
adxvcasas - Hello everyone, How can I make the ...
Gludek - Heey, can I somehow extend/merge discr...
k9 - Is it expected that Zod would cause such a...
k9 - Hello! I'm getting up to speed. The Comple...
ramblings - Is there a way to make one field re...
Việt An - How to get better error messages?I h...
Aidan647 - how can I validate other1 and other2...
Aidan647 - how can I do validation of zod in zo...
Rhys - const formSchema = z .object({ veh...
janglad - I may be missinng something here or m...
janglad - More of a general question? How do yo...
Alex - Hi there, I am trying to validate a numb...
Yamereee - Does anyone know how I can type this...
segfault - Hey! I'm currently testing my schema...
janglad - This seems like it might be worth a b...
janglad - For Next JS users, how do you guys ha...
janglad - Okay another question 😅 Why does t...
janglad - Am I missing something or is it not p...
Cyau - hey, how can we get some z.object schema...
OMB - hmm... I know this issue was closed way b...
panda - how would i go about validating a datab...
addamsson - Is there a way to fine-tune error m...
addamsson - I have the following code:tsimpor...
janglad - Quick question, .pick allows non exis...
Yamereee - 👋 Hello Zod Wizards! A Question wh...
addamsson - Hi everyone! 👋 I have a small prob...
David Tejada - Hi. I have the following functio... - Hi everyone, I have a schema with an e...
kiqaps - hey guys, am I doing something wrong? ...
janglad - deepPartial has been depreciated rece...
zerokelvin - Why is MySchema.parse making optio...
Dealing with form input with
Multistep Validation
Hey people I am having some issue not
Do you mean dynamically create an
Hey I have a schema where I need to
hey I m getting this error which is
Time to fork the language server 🏃♂
Merge on a wrapped object schema
what zod to swagger library do you love
Conditional validation
Scott Trinh Would you be able to help
No I should just be less lazy 🙂
What are you trying to do that requires
Preprocess (refine/transform) -> refine.transform.pipe
TS Playground - An online editor for exp...
z.omit() removes type information
i ve got a question about `pipe` and
Date.prototype.toUTCString() - JavaScrip...
Heya For some reason if I use `z any `
Maybe if you give us a little detail
Not totally sure I follow to be honest
Thanks for the PR I ll take a look this
Discriminated Unions
Date validation
camel case transformer
.record() question