


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Resource live update

How can i update a resource using pusher i mean when the user get pusher notification i want to update resource called reservation resource

Why does my filter icon not look right?

Something up with the css? Cheers, Tee
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badge color is not reactive on table

TextInputColumn::make('test_2'), TextColumn::make('total') ->badge() ->color(fn (string $state): string => $state <= $failedGrade ? 'danger' : '') ...

Infolist - Relation Manager with related records read-only

In panel builder I have a table Users with relation to Courses. I use Infolist for detail records. In the bottom of the page I can see related Courses, but without any options to edit or add. Can you put me on the right way to do that? Thanks in advance...

Get the index of a repeater?

Is there any way to get the index of a repeater? Because I have to perform a comparison operation with an array of objects, and thus need the index of the repeater...

nested repeater with forms Actions Component

I have this stracture and I can't retrieve the cardId on the Action AssignUsers. The record has tasklist model and the arguments is empty. Can Anybody help Repeater::make('Tasklists') ->relationship('tasklists') // Tells Filament this is a relationship ->schema([ Repeater::make('Cards')...

validate() vs getState()

Hi guys ! I'm using a custom Form inside a Livewire component and I need to understand the difference between validate() and getState(). Here is my code : ```php public function create(): void {...

Disabling action realtime on state change

hey there. I have a custom action in edit resource page given below ``` Actions\Action::make('someAction') ->action(function () { })...

#Regarding CSS and Js loading issue on Production

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" data-navigate-track />...

Align BulkActions

Hi, How do you align BulkActions on the right/end? Thanks in advance....
I have solved this using CSS
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Add field to header infolist

Hello all, I want to show status field in the header of infolist table, how to make it?...
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Filament Production perfomance issue

Hello everyone. Locally I have dockerized Laravel Filament Application, with perfomance no issues, because my machine is: Macbook Pro 13 M1 cpu 16gb and 500gb SSD disk. When I publish my dockerized application to linux server with 2vcpu core and 4gb RAM, I get slow loading from server response time (on resources index page), if I go to show resource page I do not see these issue. ...
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i have issue when create custom Form

i have issue when create custom Form cant add submit action by getFormActions...
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My export always fails, and the queue doesn't stop running showing failure

I have followed the method in the documentation. but the results always fail as shown in the picture...
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Is it possible to add a custom row to the exporter?

Good morning everyone, I couldn't find much documentation on this so hopefully someone knows. Is it possible to add a custom row row before the header row for excel exports? Reason for the question is because I have an excel that uses a specific format which we need to follow. Let me know if it is possible and if not that fine to! ...

Date Range Filter Plugin Error

I'm trying the date range filter plugin on my report page (report plugin) but every time I try it always gives an error. here's the code ```php public function filterForm(Form $form): Form...
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Using hint that the record is edited.

I want to show the input field is updated but after refresh the updated is gone. Is there any way I can make this code works...
So you need to store that information somewhere in the cache or database
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two different panel with roles

Hi any option to do this? 1. i have two panel, admin and client 2. how i can set only specific role to be able to access admin panel 3. the other roles can only see client....
$this = User model instance

Select default value from select dropdown

I want to set to set default value that i need it to be selected when the form render i tried this ``` Select::make('status') ->options([ 'draft' => 'Draft',...