SfCarousel breakpoints
Hello, I'm currently working with Vue Storefront v2 and utilizing one of your components, SfCarousel. I'm facing an issue where the breakpoints don't seem to be applying for the perView property. I've checked with Vue.js DevTools, and Glide appears to have the correct settings. If you have any insights or suggestions, perhaps I've overlooked something. Thank you! 🙂
Magento 2 SDK (OS) and UDM
The following is not fully clear for me how it is integrated. So Alokai provides an SDK which confirms to the Unified Data Layer (model and methods).
This makes it possible to easily switch from e-commerce back-end because each integration and SDK needs to follow these conventions.
how to update gql query??
currently i m working with vue storefront that is being use magento2 as backend and as cms also here i added images to top categories of app like
men ,women
but its not displaying i checked gql query that is responsible of getting categories from db image
was missing there i added it there but its not being update dont know why here is my code base:
const fragmentCategory =
fragment CategoryFields on CategoryTree {...Use external component in vuestore front
hi, guys. im trying to use a external component in vustore front like v-calendar https://vcalendar.io/ but i dont know how to use that..it is like a project in vue? use like plugin? can someboby help me how to use the v-calendar in vuestore front, please ? when i use give me erros "did you register the component correctly"
Marketing Assets for Alokai
Hey Team,
is there an official asset pack that we could use for marketing purposes?
Slogans, Logos etc.
Can't find it on the website.
what is alokai?
today i got surprised to see the headline "vsf is now Alokai" what is meant by this i could not figureout, what going on what is going to change what aboutt the people working with vue storefront code is it going to change the code please someone tell me a out this..
Magento 2 VSF: Customers are automatically logged out after a period of time.
Hi, I've successfully set up a Magento2 VueStorefront instance locally. Everything functions perfectly. Yet, I'm curious about altering the frontend's session expiry (Vue Storefront-specific configuration). Currently, customers are automatically logged out after a period of inactivity on the website.
What CMS/framework/template is used for the blog?
I am interested in having a blog along with the shop, and this one looks great; is it open source?...
NextJS + Magento
Two questions: (1) is this the appropriate repo for a NextJS project?https://github.com/vuestorefront/storefront-next13-boilerplate?tab=readme-ov-file
(2) Does the Magento 2 middleware work with Next.js (https://github.com/TidycodeIT/nuxt3-magento-sdk-storefront) ?...
Vue Storefront vs Storefront Nuxt3 Boilerplate?
A very noob question, but I’m not sure what makes them different. I got the Nuxt3 boilerplate running, is it basically the same but with a demo theme?
My end goal is to create a custom integration and a storefront to use it.
PS: Is Redis no longer needed anymore? I didn’t see it in the stack list....
Is it possible to switch commerce engine?
Hi there! I'm new to VSF, and i'm looking for a solution that allow me to change commerge engine in the future.
For example, let's say I use VSF with a custom ui using the SAP integration.. is it possible in future to switch to Salesforce, without the need to change all the integrations, logics etc?
Let me know if the question it's no clear
I can't create Magento SDK
I followed this documentation for Magento integration: https://docs.vuestorefront.io/integrations/magento/getting-started/quick-start
After i've installed sdk package, magento module and created SDK file, i get the following error for magentoModule imported from @vue-storefront/magento-sdk
nuxt 3 support
Now that Vue 2 is deprecated any idea when Vue Storefront will be upgraded to support nuxt 3 and Vue 3? I've been upgrading the project on my side however there are lots of modules that depends on Vue 2
New endpoint doesn't show up in methods
When I create a new endpoint with the CLI, it's not adding it to the /pages/methods folder so it doesn't show up on the boilerplate tester.
This issue describes it as well https://github.com/vuestorefront/integration-boilerplate/issues/18
Am I doing something wrong or should I look to fix it?...
Vue Storefront OSS deployment
Hey folks!!
I am following the steps in this guide: https://docs.vuestorefront.io/cookbook/oss-deployment-guide
I have gotten to the last step and have finished setting up my github repo with the SSH keys and the updated deploy.sh script.
Am I supposed to clone the vue-storefront repo found here:...
How to configure different request url for different languages
Hi, everyone. I just started learning vue-storefront magento, if magento has more than one language and different languages have more than one request url, how to configure the api url in middleware.config.js?
The button to add to cart is disabled, !canAddToCart is true,
Hi everybody🖐️
The button to add to cart is disabled, !canAddToCart is true, I checked node_modules/@vue-storefront/magento-api/server/api/productDetails/productDetailsQuery .d.ts
simple product Missing stock_status and only_x_left_in_stock.
Missing stock_status and only_x_left_in_stock, fields returned in request....
Unable to override default font family
Hi everyone, I'm trying to override Storefront UI Typography default font family, I've tried many variations but only Tailwind seems to apply it, typography classes is still using "Red Hat Display" font... Am I missing something ?
My TailwindCSS configuration :