Alokaiβ€’12mo ago

Magento 2 SDK (OS) and UDM

Greetings! The following is not fully clear for me how it is integrated. So Alokai provides an SDK which confirms to the Unified Data Layer (model and methods). This makes it possible to easily switch from e-commerce back-end because each integration and SDK needs to follow these conventions. On the SDK documentation (https://docs.alokai.com/sdk/getting-started) the integrations of https://docs.alokai.com/integrations are mentioned, which includes Magento 2. But looking at the Magento 2 SDK documentation (https://docs.alokai.com/integrations/magento/api/magento-sdk/) it does not conform to the conventions set by the Unified Data Layer. As an example it looks like to fetch a product with the Magento SDK it uses the method .products(...) while the UDM is getProducts(...). The thing that confuses me is that the following page (https://docs.alokai.com/storefront/unified-data-layer/unified-methods/products) shows that Magento 2 SDK does support this method. If I had to take a guess is that there is an OS SDK and enterprise SDK for Magento 2? Where the enterprise SDK follows the UDM. Will this mean that the OS SDK will never adhere to the conventions of the UDM?
14 Replies
QuintenOPβ€’12mo ago
So going through previously posts i've come across this thread https://discord.com/channels/770285988244750366/1207721072112439296. Which also talks about the Magento 2 integrations, which kind off confirms my suspicions that there are two Magento 2 SDKs/integrations? An open source version and enterprise version. I can asume that the Unified Data Layer won't be open sourced, since it is part of the enterprise package?
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rohrigβ€’12mo ago
Hi @Quinten πŸ‘‹ , There is only one magento sdk, but an extention as well.
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rohrigβ€’12mo ago
The extension has api added for various commerce backends, including magento. This Unified Data Layer is part of our enterprise offering. But the sdk is open source.
QuintenOPβ€’12mo ago
Hi @rohrig, Correct me if I'm wrong. So the (unified) SDK with the unified methods is also open source? Or only the Magento 2 SDK?
rohrigβ€’12mo ago
unified methods is enterprise. Magento 2 SDK is open source.
QuintenOPβ€’12mo ago
Okay, clear! So the enterprise solutation provides a uniform SDK for multiple e-commerce platforms, correct?
rohrigβ€’12mo ago
Anything here under storefront is enterprise
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rohrigβ€’12mo ago
Yes, correct.
QuintenOPβ€’12mo ago
Okay, one more question. Because the Open Source Magento 2 SDK does not adhere to the UDM. I can assume there is a enterprise version of the magento 2 SDK where the correct methods can be called on? So an example the Open Source Magento 2 SDK provides the .products method to get products, while the UDM states it should be .getProducts. It also stated on the following page it should be compatible with Magento 2: https://docs.alokai.com/storefront/unified-data-layer/unified-methods/products To give context we are looking into Alokai SDK to implement the data connection to Magento 2 shop, but want in the future to change it to another e-commerce framework without much hassle. The Alokai SDK looked a perfect solution for this. But the docs (for the Open source magento 2 SDK) does not seem to reflect that. Hopefully, my concern makes sense?
QuintenOPβ€’12mo ago
So in the end my question is, how can I for Magento 2 use the SDK that uses the UDM methods? I assume that there has to be an enterprise package, since the open source (@vue-storefront/magento-sdk) does not include these methods. So i've come to the following conclusion (see below), it this correct? Open source Package: @vue-storefront/magento-sdk which does not have the methods defined in https://docs.alokai.com/storefront/unified-data-layer/unified-methods/products as an example Method: So the following has to be used to get products -> sdk.commerce.products({}) Enterprise Package: @vsf-enterprise/magento-sdk (?) which does have the methods defined in https://docs.alokai.com/storefront/unified-data-layer/unified-methods/products as an example Method: The method sdk.commerce.getProducts() can be used to call Magneto 2 products, but in the future we could switch it out with @vsf-enterprise/sapcc-sdk and get the products from SAPCC platform. Or can the @vsf-enterprise/unified-sdk package just be used for all e-commerce frameworks on the front-end, which includes Magento 2 support. It's just not clear for me with the current documentation. I feel like i'm missing something?
Alokai Docs
Frontend as a Service for Composable Commerce
QuintenOPβ€’12mo ago
^ @rohrig Updated my question, hopefully you can see where i'm coming from and my confusion around it.
rohrigβ€’12mo ago
The Storefront Unified Data Layer is what enables Magento to be used with the Storefront. These things are enterprise. If you would like to use magento the the Unified Data Layer you need to have an enterprise license. If you're looking on behalf of your company I could get you in touch with our sales team. If your trying to go the open source route, then you have the magento integration and the nuxt and next boilerplates. https://github.com/vuestorefront/storefront-next13-boilerplate https://github.com/vuestorefront/storefront-nuxt3-boilerplate But there will be some work necessary to make those work together. πŸ™‚ I hope that clears things up.
GitHub - vuestorefront/storefront-next13-boilerplate: Vue Storefron...
Vue Storefront Next 13 Boilerplate. Contribute to vuestorefront/storefront-next13-boilerplate development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - vuestorefront/storefront-nuxt3-boilerplate: Nuxt 3 Storefr...
Nuxt 3 Storefront Boilerplate. Contribute to vuestorefront/storefront-nuxt3-boilerplate development by creating an account on GitHub.
QuintenOPβ€’12mo ago
Yes, this does clear up some things. Thanks for the response!
Danielβ€’11mo ago
Hello, I have an additional question about the boilerplates. Are they going to maintained or will they only be maintained while you get your things in order with the rebranding?

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