mount multiple volumes on 1 workspace
Need help/instructions on accessing a code-server via LAN on another PC.
I reinstalled coder becuase I was upgrading my server, I need help with docker.
Question/clarification about codercom/enterprise-base image
Cloudflare Proxy
It has been a while since I have install/used coder Please Help
OIDC with Gitlab
{"request_id": "b4bdb687-ebc3-4417-859a-30a801a14900", "Username": {"aud": "d5d9aadca67c0f49b2b7184c1904f2b602ed658f7902183f42fc36b94f945847", "auth_time": 1673612004, "email": "[email protected]", "email_verified": true, "exp": 1673882335, "groups_direct": ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"], "iat": 1673882215, "iss": "", "sub": "7", "sub_legacy": "46e97dbbd9e7fd062ff2b6413072f0f634652eef58735409ea59638889c4e804"}}
{"request_id": "b4bdb687-ebc3-4417-859a-30a801a14900", "Username": {"aud": "d5d9aadca67c0f49b2b7184c1904f2b602ed658f7902183f42fc36b94f945847", "auth_time": 1673612004, "email": "[email protected]", "email_verified": true, "exp": 1673882335, "groups_direct": ["aaa", "bbb", "ccc"], "iat": 1673882215, "iss": "", "sub": "7", "sub_legacy": "46e97dbbd9e7fd062ff2b6413072f0f634652eef58735409ea59638889c4e804"}}
Can the Coder Server be a k8s service?
Supporting Code-Server Port Forwards from Coder
CSS not loading when configured as app
Avoid the double ssh entry locally?
coder config-ssh
it always adds two entries. Is there a way to avoid that?
Scott...Is it possible to let a reverse proxy handle authentication?
Is it possible to enable networking between coder docker containers?
After configuring the TLS-certificate in the coder config I can no longer reach the web ui
Edit template startup script
coder templates pull docker-code-server file.tar && tar -xf file.tar && rm file.tar
coder templates pull docker-code-server file.tar && tar -xf file.tar && rm file.tar
Coder terminating and re-creating on start?
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket
coder templates create
for swarm
# - "998" # docker group on host
# - "998" # docker group on host