start up message
[INFO] ApplicationCommandRegistries: Initializing...
[INFO] ApplicationCommandRegistries: Took 1ms to initialize.
...PaginatedMessage replies "This maze wasn't meant for you...what did you do."
s partial, it still replied with the same message, but without logging a warning...Can't type custom precondition (?)
how can i create modal and show to user
Error [UNLOADED_PIECE]: The piece 'CoreReady' does not exist.
Listeners not working at all
folder seem to work and I can't find a reason that would cause this to happen.
My folder structure is:
src/...Why in line 79 for src/preconditions/ClientPermissions.ts is there `PermissionsBitField | null`?
PermissionsBitField | null
. I also noticed this could be avoided, assuming the types weren't lying to me from channel.permissionFor(me)
....args.pick issue
Sapphire not saving the changes for reaction role messages
Using bun with @sapphire/framework
Arguments Issue
the user
is null because sapphire is taking it like the third argument I think, how can I fix this?...Sharding Error
i18n applyLocalizedBuilders Options
Set Prefix Tutorial? I'm bad at JS
Question about cooldowns
Command `admin.ts` not being registered in the command registry
Encountered error while handling the command application command registry for command "admin" at path "~/dist/commands/admin.js" ExpectedConstraintError > s.string.lengthGreaterThanOrEqual
this is what the admin.ts looks like: ```ts
name: 'admin',...Question