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Hide Loged User Navigation Bar in Onboarding Page

Heyy @kapa.ai I created an onboarding page, that is when the user comes from the register, I want to hide the navigation bar only for this page, I'm working with the SaaS template

Username and Email field in the User model

I have a question regarding the User model, which I'm not sure it if's part of the standard Wasp setup or OpenSaaS specific. By default, they contain the user's email. I'd like the user to be able to change their username, as there is no need to repeat the same information twice, but I want to make sure it's safe to do so. ...

Full stack type safety wasp 0.13 to 0.14

I am having trouble with some errors that appeared when i migrated from wasp 0.13 to 0.14. I seem to have lost all the types that came for example with the useQuery function and therefore i get type errors all over my code. I followed every step in the migration guide but nothing seems to solve these issues.

Best way to integrate a blog

I need a blog for my website. I would like to avoid using a subdomain for SEO purposes. Any recommendations for how this should be approached?

CORS error on gitpod

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://3001-nitishymtpl-helm-3ff7gtw693e.ws-us116.gitpod.io/auth/me' from origin 'https://3000-nitishymtpl-helm-3ff7gtw693e.ws-us116.gitpod.io' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Hi, I am receiving above error on gitpod. I have made corresponding changes in .env.client and .env.server file. Pls let me know the way to fix this issue....

CORS Error deploying to fly.io

Hi, I am facing an error when I try deploying using the launch and deploy commands. What environment variables are needed on the client, server, and db containers on fly.io for them to all talk to each other successfully? @kapa.ai

Action in loop

After modifying this: `export const updateCurrentUser: UpdateCurrentUser<Partial<User>, User> = async (args, context) => { if (!context.user) { throw new Error('Usuario no autenticado');...

syntax of importing from wasp

Hi I am pretty newbie to typescript and wasp, I have python experience though. I was asking chatgpt to create a simple function to try and call my python backend. I am in the process of combining them. ```import { action } from '@wasp/actions' export const analyzeData = action({...

Failed to load resource: A server with the specified hostname could not be

I deployed my app and am able to navigate to the webpage: https://my-wasp-app-client-damp-snowflake-7739.fly.dev However, I get this error repeatedly in the console. Have googled extensively. I cant sign in or do any of the app functionalities behind the auth....

Email with MailGun

Hello everyone, I could successfully use sendgrid in my app, but if I try to use MailGun it doesn't recognize it like it did with Sendgrid. I built it on top of opensaas. Did anyone used MailGun?...

TypeScript Error: Property 'pages' Does Not Exist on Story Type

I’m working with the getGeneratedStories function, and I’ve included the pages in the query like this:
`export const getGeneratedStories: GetGeneratedStories<void, Story[]> = async ( _args, context,...

- SDK build failed with exit code: 2

Heyy @kapa.ai ` [ Wasp ] ext-src/dashboard/monthlyPlans/MonthlyPlanOperations.ts(19,32): error TS2339: Property 'map' does not exist on type 'never'. [ Wasp ] ext-src/dashboard/monthlyPlans/MonthlyPlanPage.tsx(44,15): error TS2322: Type '(plan: MonthlyPlan & { trainingDays: TrainingDay[]; }) => void' is not assignable to type '(plan: GetResult<{ id: number; name: string; startDate: Date; userId: string; }, unknown> & {}) => void'....

Quickest way to locally host for public

Is there any fast way to locally host my wasp project to someone outside my network? For example, how would I set-up ngrok for a wasp app?...

is there a way to customize the autogenerated fly.toml files for deploying on fly?

I followed the instructions to do a regular "automated" deployment with Fly, but I realized deploy comes with some assumptions such as redundant services etc that I don't really need when I'm setting up a staging environment. Based on what I've seen the fly.toml file is re-regerated in .wasp/build every time the command wasp deploy fly deploy is executed. Does it mean I need to manually deploy to Fly instead if I want to customize thier configuration?...

.env not populating

When i am working with https://github.com/vincanger/coverlettergpt/ and i make and enter values into .env.server.server and run "wasp start db" then "wasp start" the node api on port 3001 will not start until i manually edit .wasp/out/server/.env to enter a GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID is this expected behaivor the documentation stated to only edit .env.server.server, and when i run "wasp build" it overwrites .wasp/build/web-app and its .env and i need to manually populate it? am i understanding correctly or doing something wrong? see more details here:https://github.com/vincanger/coverlettergpt/issues/18...

wasp build

What command should I use to build the wasp application if I have REACT_APP_API_URL=https://thehatchery.io:448 and WASP_SERVER_URL=http://thehatchery.io:3001

CORS issue

I deployed https://github.com/vincanger/coverlettergpt backend and database to railways, and frontend to netflify and I am facing CORS issues Frontend: https://66fcdba5764d005f23d60460--coverlettergpt.netlify.app/ when i go to login and try use the backend nodejs to login at https://aijobbot.up.railway.app/auth/me I am getting CORS issues...
No description

SDK build failed with exit code: 2

Heyy @kapa.ai ! `[ Wasp ] ext-src/dashboard/routines/EditRoutineModal.tsx(88,68): error TS2352: Conversion of type 'string' to type 'Set<string>' may be a mistake because neither type sufficiently overlaps with the other. If this was intentional, convert the expression to 'unknown' first. [ Wasp ] ext-src/dashboard/routines/RoutineForm.tsx(61,87): error TS2352: Conversion of type 'string' to type 'Set<string>' may be a mistake because neither type sufficiently overlaps with the other. If this was intentional, convert the expression to 'unknown' first. [ Wasp ] ext-src/dashboard/routines/RoutinesPage.tsx(36,15): error TS2322: Type '(GetResult<{ id: number; name: string; userId: string; }, unknown> & {})[]' is not assignable to type 'RoutineWithExercises[]'....

recommended ssl configuration for api server

@kapa.ai I am installing a prduction Wasp server with nginx as a proxy server. I've configured port 80 and 443 on nginx to forward to port 3000 on the wasp server. However, authentication fails because the client REACT_APP_API_URL is set to port 3001. I believe I should change this to https (port 443) but doing so causes the following error: "useAuth.ts:23 GET https://thehatchery.io:3001/auth/me net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR" How should I be configuring the port forwarding and listening here, and what should my ENV variables be pointing to?1...

- SDK build failed with exit code: 2

Heyy @kapa.ai I need your wisdom here ...