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Using Sendgrid in test

Sendgrid always requires a url (not localhost) and does not accept API calls from my dev environment. Is there any test feature or workaround? Thank you very much!...

Hey! Any ideas on some solutions to these errors?

This popped up on me today, not even GPT knows a solution lol. Let me know your thoughts, i'd love the help!
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Change html dir

I want to change the html dir attribute to be rtl.

Any inputs on deploying backend in aws and frontend in netlify

Hi there, wondering if anyone has instructions on how they did the deployment to aws + netlify.

Set new Auth password with custom logic

Previous to upgrading Wasp i had a custom user interface to update the password which set the user.password property with some other custom logic. As i am now supposed to remove the password field from the user entity I was wondering how I would do this now that the password field was moved to the AuthIdentity Entity?

IAM authentication

Hey folks, I’m trying to use IAM authentication for RDS. What is the preferred approach to handle this?

Missing "./auth/email" specifier in "wasp" package

I have a Page where I import { login} from wasp/auth/email which worked perfectly on Version 0.11.X but now renders [plugin:vite:import-analysis] Missing "./auth/email" specifier in "wasp" package error. What does this error mean? Where do i need to specify ./auth/email? If i remove this import, the app renders just fine. My Wasp file looks like this...

Navbar question

Hi. Having trouble understanding how the navbar is handled. What would be the best way to show some additional items on navbar only if the user is logged in.

Need help running Wasp app

Hello everyone, I am looking for some help with running my app locally. I created a trial app using https://usemage.ai/ but after following the instructions to install and get the app running I am getting the following error(s):...

Prisma schema for a github-like multi-tenant saas

Github's individual/org/team UI inspired how I want my apps experience to be like. I'm allowing both individuals and organizations to create accounts. I created this to be flexible since I'm not fully sure how I want to handle everything just yet. Hope someone finds it helpful. Features/Capabilities...

Best place to share experiences and/or feedback?

What's the best place to share experiences and ideas with other SaaS builders? I'd like to share stuff as I build out my project. Also, what's the best place to share back feedback on wasp/openSaas?

I am trying to understand the subsciptionStatus logic in stripe.ts

I am just wondering what could be the reason we don't want to update subscriptionStatus as soon as chekcout.session.completed along with hasPaid and subscriptionTier (line 46 and 48). I am writing a logic where after a user sign up for subscription with subscription_data.trial_periods_days , I then check whether a subscription is active or not, and re-direct them to the hidden page like so: on DemoAppPage.tsx:...
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Need Recommendations

If i have a simple saas idea and wanted to design a landing page to collect emails, what email service should i use to then send a welcome and thank you email to the subscribers?...

Installation trouble

I am a first-timer to using WASP and code in general, so getting confused by this message below, would appreciate any help. Message in terminal: WARNING: It looks like '/Users/connorchadwick/.local/bin' is not on your PATH! You will not be able to invoke wasp from the terminal by its name....

Post-query errors about failing to resolve an import.

Hey there! We're building something that involves creating appointments, assigning technicians, and more but we hit a bump early and can't seem to work our way past this error(attached). We have tried making and moving folders and changing path names to be accurate but still nothing. I believe we started that latest(and problem) import in the mainpage.jsx as '@wasp/client/operations' and then tried switching to accommodate some errors but left off as is. The last steps we have done were create t...
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Running alongside separate authed API?

Has anyone ran WASP front end alongside a separate API? My plan is to run WASP as the front end interface to a data visualization app and manage paying users in it. I have a standalone data API server already in place. My thought is that my other data API would need to interface with the WASP user management system to make sure that users requesting data and certain pages are actually at the right user tier to do that. Does anyone know if that's possible? Perhaps I could have my data API reading...

DB error

So i got this app made from mageGPT. but when i try to open or run it i get that error. ...
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Repetitive Undetected Syntax Error with MageAI

Hey guys, I've been testing out the MageAI app generator and at first it worked fine but since then I keep getting the same repetitive error that make it impossible to load the app no matter how may apps I generate or how many times I retry. I think I tried over 20 apps, more than half of which represent the same issue. This started on 03 Mar 2024 Anybody know why?...
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Unable to get react working.

Hi, Thanks for such an amazing framework. I generated an app with Mage and tried to run it. While the login/sign up screens work, the dashboard screen is empty. ...

Hot Reloading?

Hi everyone, does Wasp come with hot reloading? I generated a templated SaaS app and hot reloading doesn't seem to be working like a create-react-app does. I'm hoping that I don't need to kill the app and rerun 'wasp start' every time I make changes to preview them. Can this be achieved somehow? I can't find anything in the docs about it. Thanks!