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What is entites?

what does the entites parameter in the main.wasp file mean?

how do I show the users email on my frontend.

Hi kapa how can i show the users email on my frontend. Also for my opensaas project how can i extend the register field to have more things related to b2b.

CreatedAt, UpdatedAt, DeletedAt

Hey Guys! I want to ask how do you manage the timestamps for your models. I wanted to have createdAt, updatedAt, and deletedAt attribute for all my models but adding these fields manually to all models seems a bit tedious and against the DRY principle. Is there a better way? I thought of creating a base model with these defined and extending all other models from it but prisma doesnt support inheritence either. Before adding these properties in each model, i would like to ask for some guidance as i am new to this framework. below is my Task model. ...

Is there a way to style .wasp files in JetBrains products?

Hey I installed the opensaas project to check it out and I see there's a .wasp highlighter for VSCode but not for PHPStorm/WebStorm. I couldn't find a plugin for that but I'd like to know a bit more about the highlight maybe I would be able to style it myself.

proxy db to locacl host and open db studio

hello do you remember how to proxy db to localhost?

How to install paritcular version of wasp

I am trying to setup CI and find that wasp version is increased. Not in position to upgrade the wasp on the code yet. How to install a particular version in cli.

CORS issue

Hi I can't get around this error in production:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://skyber-academy-server.fly.dev/operations/get-waitlist-emails' from origin 'https://skyber-academy-client.fly.dev' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://skyber-academy-server.fly.dev/operations/get-waitlist-emails' from origin 'https://skyber-academy-client.fly.dev' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Thank You and Some Deployment Questions For All

Thanks for developing this tool, I have enjoyed using it for building an MVP. Now that I am close to release, however, I'd like to hear thoughts about deployment. Certainly, I would like to have an automated CI setup. I would like to be able to deploy to GitHub and see changes online without much friction. What would be a nice setup for this? Another question is about server providers. What about Hetzner, Fly.io, vs. Digital Ocean droplets? It seems like Hetzner and DO are both cheap and reliable alternatives. What would be a nice tooling with these services considering CI?...

Blank Page when Create New App

Hi, I am new to wasp and wanted to create an app with open-saas. I followed the instructions on the official docs, but when running wasp start I get an empty page at http://localhost:3000/ (favicon is popping up, but the page has no content). I don't think this is supposed to happen. I am running with node version 22.9.0, npm version 10.8.3, wasp version 0.15.0 on a M1 Mac. There was a warning on running wasp start:...

How to send emails with Mailgun

What code do I need to use to send emails with Mailgun?

Failing to deploy (Assign own domain)

I am working with the opensaas template and I have skipped the email configuration since my app will not have registration/login or anything related (so I have Dummy sender). I have tried to deploy with Fly but it returns this error: `❌ --- [Error] Your wasp project failed to compile: -------------------------------...

Jobs workers to consume from a queue

I want to set up a jobs worker - or multiple workers - to fetch updated information from the OpenAI API when certain events occurr. The pattern I'd like to use is an event queue, rather than invoking the jobs worker directly from the TS code. Is this something possible with Wasp 0.15.0 or do I need to either to a cron job or stick with the exlicit trigger?...

how does opensaas handle user data? According to the law!

I want to know how the opensaas template handles user data? Is it according to any law or guidline? I mean specifically the user entity. Myself i made a different table with extra user information and encoded it i think 264bits....


What is the best way to make a backend for my saas?

OpenSaaS to Wasp 0.15.X update

Hey guys
does anyone know when the Open-SaaS template is planned to be updated to Wasp 0.15.X? Currently, after starting a new project with this template, I received the following message: bash ~ / wasp db start ...

How could i run a query funciton on button click

I have the following code^. right now the getFilteredProducts query is ran everytime the page relaods or something happens. I only want it to be ran once when the button is clicked.
``` const [formValues, setFormValues] = useState({ minimaleOmzet: '',...

Could I execute an action or multiple once per day on the server side?

Could I execute an action or multiple once per day on the server side for each user. It loads data from an api for that specific user, i want to know if I can make it such that this is done every day for each user.

Changing auth social buttons style

Hey there! Is there a way to style the social buttons in the Auth UI?

wasp studio launch ?

When will wasp studio be released? I'm really looking forward to it. I only know css and html

Load Custom fonts from `src/client/fonts/HossRound`

I added a custom font to the path: app/src/client/fonts/HossRound/Hoss-Round-Bold.otf and setup my Tailwindconfig and css to load that font. Whenever I load the font, vite gives me a 403 error: The request url "/app/src/client/fonts/HossRound/Hoss-Round-Bold.otf" is outside of Vite serving allow list. ...