Ping on frankfurt is just showing as ???, but my internet is perfectly fine
So for some reason my ping is showing as ??? or ping failed on most of the servers except for bahrain (im nearest to frankfurt so that shouldnt be happening). My friend went in a custom game today to try to force my account to get on frankfurt servers and my ping said it was 27, when i left the custom game it just said i had a normal ping now, but the moment i restarted the game it is back to the same thing again. Will I have to keep joining custom games just to be able to play? Because I cant d...

about ranked gun buddy
so in an act do i need to get 9 competitive wins in my peak rank for getting the gun buddy or 9 wins or more in any rank of that particular act , and i get the gun buddy for the rank which i peaked? if im ascendant and have 9 or more competitive wins and i get promoted to immortal 1 , then after 2-3 games and i lose the games in immortal , and i have only 1 win in immortal which is the rankup , will i get the immortal gun buddy ?!
I keep getting a pop up
As the title says I keep getting a pop-up and keeps shutting down Val. For some context, I had Val once before, then I deleted it for storage space, and now that I downloaded it back, this is popping-up and no this never happens when I had it.

vgc.exe has a handle on my app
hey, im working on a windows app (not a cheat or anything lol, not even related to valorant), and today i noticed that i couldn't end the process, and vgc.exe had a handle on it, which seems to be a part of vanguard. what can i do?

Loading issues
My game is taking a lot of time to load since yesterday... But it loads though... But when I started the range, it took 4-5 mins and it was still not loading and it threw me back to the lobby.. I also tried deathmatch but still the same, it doesn't load.. I tried repairing valorant from the client but it didn't help.. does anyone know how to fix this? It was going fine yesterday I don't know what happened suddenly
Nevermind I fixed it, just resetted the pc..
Sniper HOLD vs TOGGLE, can we have both?
Hello i am a huge sniper player in val, and while i love using the toggle option on my op and outlaw, i find it really hard to use toggle on my marchal, i used to be pretty good on marshal when i was using HOLD, i am just wondering if anyone else is having the same issue as me, in the perfect world having the option of use hold vs toggle on different snipers. Would this be a possible improvemnt that we'd like to see introduced into the game? Lets discuss!
help pls!
my account was recently locked due to unusual activity, i submitted a ticket to verify that im the original owner but the information was insufficient and they were unable to verify that i’m the original owner:(
does anyone know if locked accounts will be unlocked over a period of time? or isit permanent until i can verify myself as the original owner:(...

VAN -79 error when loading game
I can't open valorant anymore without encountering this error, I have restarted my pc multiple times, ran sfc scans, tried repairing valorant via riot client (said it found no errors), running valorant and riot client as admin, and I even tried turning on vkg service for vanguard (I got an "incorrect function" error).

facing val-29 error
hey guys i am facing val-29 error for past few days and not able to play the game anyone knows how to fix it? i have tried every given fix on yt anyone here who can help
Could we please get this user malware banned: Fraxtry #6734
This user has been harassing my entire team during our ranked game. He was playing Breach. The first offense he has done was gender assume my Killjoy. He judged him by his voice and called him a femboy multiple times. Another offense is that he was being a p*dophile. He started asking if Reyna's little brother was cute, and also asked if we were single even though we are minors. He also threatens Reyna's little brother by saying that he is going to "tap" the kid. The third offense is that he is sabotaging our team purposely by either flashing us, stunning us, and aftershocking us. He did this in quite a few rounds to say the least, especially on the defender half.
Couldnt Install Required dependency Issue
Tried Everything In youtube and reddit nothing works and vanguard not reinstalling no matter what. what can i do
game lagging since start of this year
I used to get good ping 19-25 up until the start of this year where I am now only able to stay connected to the 2.5ghz network and am getting big ping spikes with lows of at best 50.
the modem has been replaced and speed tests for the most part come back normal. Am i going crazy? or is there an issue here?...
Hello, sorry to ask this question. How much xp do you get per unrated game? Does it matter on your performance? Is it different from competitive?
Saw ZERO information on how to fix this along with Riot not aknowledging it's existence, so i figured it out myself

I enable it but everytime I restart my pc It turns back off it also tells me that there was an error when restarting it I made sure all my drivers are up to date and everything but I just can’t find a reason for it to turn off