Could we please get this user malware banned: Fraxtry #6734

OFFENSES: This user has been harassing my entire team during our ranked game. He was playing Breach. The first offense he has done was gender assume my Killjoy. He judged him by his voice and called him a femboy multiple times. Another offense is that he was being a p*dophile. He started asking if Reyna's little brother was cute, and also asked if we were single even though we are minors. He also threatens Reyna's little brother by saying that he is going to "tap" the kid. The third offense is that he is sabotaging our team purposely by either flashing us, stunning us, and aftershocking us. He did this in quite a few rounds to say the least, especially on the defender half.
SELF-CONTRADICTING: This guy is making fun of Killjoy's voice yet he doesn't use voice chat to talk himself. He sits behind his mic like the coward he is and continues to make fun of not just Killjoy, but all of us. He continues to talk yet he is doing the worst out of the entire lobby. EVIDENCE: Using Insights Capture, I was able to record the entire game as evidence for his actions and also to give better understanding to you about what happened. The video is UNEDITED, so please look at the bottom right for the chat log as everything he says is by text. Video link is here(READ DESCRIPTION): CONCLUSION: This guy has cost us our ranks and rank rating with his disrespectful behavior. I am hoping to never see him or anyone like him in my games ever again. I humbly request a malware ban on him and make sure he is gone for good.... NOTE: Some stuff written here my friend told me to write, so if something is inaccurate, you may correct me. Also I am unable to access the official support website so I have to write all of this here.
Average Chinese Gamer
Please get this guy banned....
His Riot ID and Tagline is: Fraxtry #6734 Please do not just permanently ban him, you should malware ban him so he cannot make alt accounts to harass others like this (Please forgive my crashouts in the game, this guy really made me frustrated)
3 Replies
Jidat5d ago
VANGUARD Main5d ago
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Jidat5d ago
Use that link ^

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